63 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
103 Votes in Poll
132 Votes in Poll
130 Votes in Poll
A large unnatural & powerful storm appeared across the world. Dark clouds blocking the skies, a myriad of colorful lightning streaking across them, powerful winds damaging everything. Thousands of people were struck by this lightning, killing most, but sending hundreds into comas.
Upon awaking their bodies were changed. They now possessed strange markings on their bodies, enhanced physical capabilities, the ability to generate & manipulate a mystical version of a specific element, and near immunity to their element.
You are one of these individuals.
What you were doing during the storm?
What color of lightining struck you?
What does your marking look like? (you can use a picture if you like)
What esoteric element did you get?
How long were you in a coma for?
What will you do with these powers?
Is there a Esoteric Mana Manipulation? Or is it somewhat similar to Esoteric Element Manipulation, just with a different type of name?
82 Votes in Poll
130 Votes in Poll
188 Votes in Poll
I found this on the quantum energy manipulation page and I’m not sure what it means? Is it like semiphysical, almost beyond our known physics but not quite out of our understanding of the physical world?
Of cosmic energy similar to that of celestial energy but more chaotic?
What does Esoteric Flame manipulation mean? Like what does esoteric mean in this term?
Hello everyone. Ive been thinking up this new Esoteric Page that would allow control over Esoteric Forces in general. But I wanted to get your help in setting it up
A) Official Name for It. I made up a few.
-Esoteric Channeling
-Esoteric Force Manipulation
-Esoteric Particle Manipulation
-Esoteric Unity
-Esoteric Connection
B) All Applications (So Far)
Esoteric Element Mnipulation
Esoteric Energy Manipulation
-Magical Energy Manipulation
-Psychic Energy Manipulation
-Ectoplasm Manipulation
Essence Manipulation
-Life Force Conversion
-Reality Energy Manipulation
Are there any others you think would fit?
C) Techniques
Psionic Magic
D) Associations
What Do You guys Suggest
E) Known Users
Acnalogia (Fairy Tail)
God Serena (Fairy Tail)
If anyone can give suggestions for any of these categories, please share your thoughts.
Hello everyone. Ive been reading the elemental power articles for a while now. And the thing that catches me the most is the concepts that each element is tied to , under Associations, through myth or esoteric studies (Example: Light Being associated with Life Force). Ive been trying to find the sources that may have confirmed these facts, but Ive had no luck finding them. So to any member that has worked on element articles, I want to ask them what websites they learned these facts from.
If anyone can tell, please feel free to share.
Hello everyone. Today I just got done making a few ideas for new powers andd wanted to get your input.
So if anyone wants to suggest anything like associations, applications, flaws etc. Please say so