What do you think "magic" is? Is it just science that harness energy, therefore creat change in reality(like in the MCU explained) or is it a way to defy logic? If magic doesn't required a price, is it will be unreasonable ?
198 Votes in Poll
198 Votes in Poll
126 Votes in Poll
196 Votes in Poll
What do you think "magic" is? Is it just science that harness energy, therefore creat change in reality(like in the MCU explained) or is it a way to defy logic? If magic doesn't required a price, is it will be unreasonable ?
168 Votes in Poll
124 Votes in Poll
Hey Everyone,
I apologize for not re-releasing the LA-B-GE Episode 1: Sign-Up. I have been busy with work, but not out of the ordinary for me. The actual reason is that I am out of my writer's block and continued writing and what to see where this is going. I will eventually make the RP, but for now, it is on the proverbial shelf. This doesn't mean that I am going to stop visiting the site or anything.
I also changed The Folkloric Fate Power System a bit to include something I called a Persona Factor. Read it more on my Blog Page.
Finally, I decided that this RP Series, at the very least, the power system is too good to appear only on this site. So, I decided to make it into an arch in my other actual series, Good Enough Evil. From this day forward, This Series will be GEE (Good Enough Evil) Omega.
@K5S142 @Yagworm @CodeX13579 @NyxGeminio @Can Perk @GuidoMista7 @Xavtheking @StarlighPlayz
You are in The Capitol, the homeland of Humanity and the central hub of other races. You decided to visit or return there, but soon you will be confronted with a very chaotic situation. Your Fate will decide the fate of all.
This RP will start 5/22/2021 at 7 or 8 pm Eastern Standard Time and will last 2-3 hours.
Sign-Up Rules:
•Your character can ONLY BE RACES ON THIS BLOG PAGE!
•Your character can have any Physical Powers/Abilities AS LONG AS THEY’RE NOT OP, OMNI, META, ULTIMATE, ABSOLUTE, TRANSCENDENT, ASCENDED, ECT! These powers will be called enhancements and can be temporarily be negated by GA Sap Nets.
*Yokwindians are the only ones who can use magic!*
•Your character can ONLY HAVE ONE Folkloric Fate!
*How to make a Folkloric Fate is on this Blog Page.*
Character Sheet:
Name: (Your name must be an adjective that either end with -ful or -less)
(For Humans, Nethernetics, and Flaorallin Strongmen, get a human pic and just say what race they are. )
(For Yokwindians, since they can possess and alter anything they take over, any pic works. )
(For Ara’Mercha, just describe or show the clothes that they are wearing.)
(For Mentassence, show an image that could represent a memory, secret, personality, or emotion and say/show what clothes they are wearing.)
Species: (Human, Flaoarallin Strongmen, Ara’Mercha, Nethernetic, Yokwindian, or Mentassence. P.S. mention what creature your Yokwindian Character is possessing.)
Folkloric Fate (Optional):
Backstory (Optional):
Extra Info:
@K5S142 @Yagworm @CodeX13579 @NyxGeminio @Can Perk @GuidoMista7 @Xavtheking @StarlighPlayz
A Folkloric Fate is a unique ability that a sentient being gains in this universe.
Two powerful forces had absorbed all forms of magic; there is still a mystical essence within all sentient life. This essence can manifest itself mysteriously in dreams. People, as they sleep, can sometimes see lives, adventures, and lessons from people and places they never knew existed. Dreaming these sorts of things is nothing new, but when someone feels a real connection to a certain kind of dream, their inner magic springs forth as their Folkloric Fate. So this power can happen anytime a person falls asleep.
1. Each ability has a unique strength and weakness.
2. A character can combine their F.Fate with their "Race" ability(s) to form Symbiotic Talents. Creativity is crucial, and yes, there will be unique races in this world, but that will be for another teaser.
Now, weaknesses are a different story. Other than the inherent weakness(es) of specific F. Fate, they all have common drawbacks.
1. Must act or live by what their F.Fate represents.
1. If they, don't the effects are negated.
2. You cannot activate their power.
3. Any passive buffs negated.
2. Destinies are based on their ability.
1. From the point that a character gets an F.Fate, events will happen according to their power.
2. This could include:
1. Who your spouse/lover is?
2. How you die, or your current existence end?
3. Who are your enemies?
4. What adventure/jobs you will take
5. Etc.
3. Intense Magical Energy can make them act up or not work properly.
My character's Folkloric Fates is Artificial Kid-Mechanical.
Based on ATU 703* The Artificial Child. If you chose ATU, you could make a subcategory so that another player can have the same type but with a different subcategory.
This ability allows the user's body to have mechanical properties and characteristics. His muscles can become pistons, his veins can become tubes, while the finger can become a nuzzle, and his eyes can become flashlights. It is like Sasori from Naruto, but his body can become any basic or mechanical tool and can go back to normal. Any mechanical parts that are damaged can be repaired and do not transmit damage to the user. Its unique weaknesses are that he cannot have traits similar to weapons because that should be his own subcategory. The only way for the user to access this power is by being emotionless like a machine. Any sign of emotion will deactivate. His fate will most likely be that he will become a non-sentient machine thoroughly, immediately killing him. That is one possible fate based on his ability.
1. A person can only lose their ability when they are dead.
2. Folkloric Fates are called that because the people believed the dreams that trigger felt like stories from a whimsical era. Fates because of the weaknesses of these abilities.
3. There is a way for an F.Fate more powerful, but that will be discussed in another teaser later.
That is what a Folkloric Fate is. Here is a link to the website with the list of ATU categories. Fair Warning, there are almost 2400 categories to choose from. What would be your or your character when I actually make the RP be?
@K5S142 @Yagworm @CodeX13579 @NyxGeminio @Can Perk @GuidoMista7 @Xavtheking @StarlighPlayz
The world of Vivarratus: It is vastly similar to Earth with one continent and vast Ocean
Grihan-arth- Dense Dark Forests with trees so big the bend back to the ground (Like an Alolan Exeggutor).
Yokwind-A mysterious land is full of fog and mist. This place tends to vanish from time to time completely.
Fyorallin- Big prairie with plenty of game and vegetation.
@Nether- A dome made of light and data. Within is a technologically advanced city of unique structure.
Ara'ater- A huge oasis by the seas and a land of fantastic treasures and materials
The Capital- A massive utopia that is on top of a mountain range. It is the home to most of humanity and a hub for all the other races.
Vast Ocean- The hugest source of water on the planet.
The following teasers will be more about the different areas in more detail, including the unique races in them.
@K5S142 @Yagworm @GuidoMista7 @NyxGeminio
Hey Everyone, I decided to make my own RP series, Lesser Anecdotes Behind Greater Epics.
The Setting
It takes place in another world with countries based on collections of books/tales like The Brothers Grimm Tales and 1001 Arabian Nights. Magic had disappeared a long time ago. This is due to the conflict between the ultimate forms of opposing forces. They needed all the power to get an edge over the other. The only form of magic left is within the residents of this world, but only a tiny few can excess this power in the form of a Folkloric Fate. This power manifests when one is connected or is highly intrigued by a specific type of story. The players are just the people who live in this world and have to deal with the effects of the neverending struggles between the personifications of Good and Evil. We are just the side stories to these two.
I was watching Jon Solo's Messed Up Origins Series on Youtube. In some of the episodes, he mentioned something called The Aarne–Thompson–Uther index. On Wikipedia, "It is a catalog of folktale types used in folklore studies. The ATU Index is the product of a series of revisions and expansions by an international group of scholars.” It is essentially a list of stories put into categories because they have similar story structures. Anyway, after watching like 5 seasons of One Piece for a week, I thought that this would be an exciting power system. These abilities will always be based on one category or ATU titles. I will work on how these abilities operate.
That is what I got for now. What do you guys think? This is going to be my signature RP series on this site.
@K5S142 @Yagworm @CodeX13579 @NyxGeminio @Can Perk @GuidoMista7 @Xavtheking @StarlighPlayz
The Capital
a. Territory (& History)
i. A massive city was built on top of a mountain. A long time ago, a tremendous flood swept across the continent. The humans who lived on the mountain range invited the other races to their territory to spare them a horrible fate. After the flood, the other races showed appreciation by helping the humans build a better home for them. After several decades, The Capital was finished. The humans then allowed the other races to treat it as their second home. There, a counsel was forged to create law and order across the planet to bring harmony to all.
b. Race: Humans
i. Humans were once all over Vivarratus until environmental changes occurred prove too difficult to endure. Also, other “more” dangerous races and animals get out to get them. So, they moved to the mountain range for protection. Humans are clever, adaptable, and noble but frailer against the savage nature below them.
ii. Unique Ability: None, but they do have massive respect from the other races, and they tend to go to them to seek their wisdom or kindness.
1. Territory Ability: Mountain Master- They are adept at living on the mountains. They can even use avalanches as their offense, defense, and mobility.
This power would be for sciences that look kinda like magic but don't meat the criteria of being magic. Like Alchemy in FMA. Usually Alchemy is magic + science but FMA Alchemy is nothing of the sort. Even in Justice League Snyder Cut, Wonder Woman stated that there was a science so advanced that it looks like (thus acts similar) sorcery.
I'm making an OC & I want him to have a wife. Can you guys send me so recommended pics of possible candidates? If it helps, he's of my original species Akumas & males behavior are:
"When is comes to ideal body types in male Akumas' eyes, as long as they ain't tooth picks, they don't care. Physically strong & aggressive females (like Zarda 1610) is considered an achievement. Personality wise, they like women who are strong willed, aggressive, & aggressive &/or violent. Some male Akumas do settle down with more elegant & pure women (Like Zelda or Mitsuri Kanroji)."
If it also helps, this is what he looks like:
I don't want the pics sent to be hyper sexually made (e.g. Ivy from Soul Calibur & other similar).
PS: Tags match his powers.
Based on this post...
A being from another dimension (Probably the 10th Dimension), has decided that our mundane universe needs to evolve and the method used will be adding a ''Power System''. Be it fate or chance, this being has chosen you among all beings in this universe to decide what type of supernatural powers will now become ''natural''. Regardless if its Ki from Dragon Ball, the Force from Star Wars or Magic from Harry Potter, this previously fictional element will be transformed into something natural for the universe.
As an incentive, you'll be proficient into whatever power system you chose, allowing you to have chances of rise to the position of strongest being on Earth. However, there will be a two changes to make sure mortals don't end up destroying the universe: No altering the past and no multiple resurrections. While the first is to protect the space-time continuum, the other makes possible to resurrect one being once, but next time will be permanent and unnable to bring that someone back.
So, what power system will become real? How will the world change with it? How will you use it?
194 Votes in Poll