Magic is a subcategory of PK Abilities. Let me explain, The Art of Magic (also called Wizardry or Sorcery) is essentially using one’s mental capabilities (either Telekinetic and/or Telepathic PSI Abilities) for influencing reality itself by channeling Mana, a form of interdimensional energies that has strange physical properties such as bending the laws of physics, allow for unlikely & impossible probabilities to become the most likely or possible, and control the cause & effects of most physical phenomena. However, like the fact that you can’t eat a hamburger without cooking it, you can’t use the power of mana raw. It has to be processed through one’s consciousness, by absorbing and converting this otherworldly power into a form of mental bioelectricity (Psiona, also called Psychic Energy). Once processed into Esoteric Psiona or Spellpower, it can be Psionically manipulated as either mere ergokinesis (worst use of magical power), used to cast spells (with certain formulas) and perform rituals, or it can be channeled into a variety of (potentially) Spiritually-Attuned PK Abilities for the purpose of bypassing the universe’s natural laws.
In the distant past (give or take a few thousand years), there were many wizards, but in the modern day, the art of wizardry was slowly dying with very few who knows it and were born with the genetic potential for PSI Abilities over Mana (Homo Magi or Magi/Sapien Descendent) or recently activated their psionic capabilities to channel said mystical power (Awakened). That is until "Friday, March 13th, 1988" when a solar flare hit the Earth’s atmosphere producing the meta-wave that granted 40% of humanity superpowers. 70% of "the empowered" developed Telekinetic (TK) and/or Telepathic (TP) PSI Abilities, and the fact of the matter is that Metaentities (enhanced biological entities) with PK Abilities will potentially have the most affinity for wielding magic. So the dwindling population of wizards decides to take advantage of this eldritch miracle that has been bestowed upon humanity and become the teachers of these psionic metahumans to cultivate the new generation of wizards.
You are a Wizard Sensei of the Old Generation of Wizards, what Psychic Students do you teach magic (Limited to 6) & what magicks do they end up learning?