46 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
Okay yall, I'm going to be posting the sign up to start off the universe later today. A quick reminder, I have been giving you teasers to primarily the final RP of phase one so if the first RP doesn't seem like anything we've talked about; that's why. Keep in mind that this is my first universe and I'm really excited but then again I'm very timid. The support for the teasers alone have been such a blessing and I thank you all for the love you have given this universe. So with that being said, here is the final teaser. (And if you want any answers to something- like how the fight scene went between Thanos and TMC went you can ask in the comments!)
The Mystic Chronomancers Backstory;
Isha Heimdalldottir, known to Asgard as their previous Queen and most frightening warrior. Growing up with the royal family obviously had its perks so not living a privileged life was out of the question. Getting older Isha has been through hell and back with The Avengers, Thor, and Loki. Fighting amongst Loki in 2012, she realized that no matter what happened her life was her own and creating pain for people who don’t deserve it was never her thing. After many years of fighting amongst the side of good she learned the basics of magic from The Ancient One. Mystic magic came easy but Time did not. Isha no longer took lessons with the members of Kamar Taj after the Ancient Ones Death. Isha was called back to Asgard to help fight against The Dark Elves and was completely heartbroken at the sight of the after math. Loki dead, on the ground. She couldn't help Thor with the final fight because of the state of shock she was in. Isha unknowingly created a dimension out of pure quintessence. To everyone else he was trapped there but to her, she was free and hopeful. What she created was later labeled 'The Tranquility Dimension' No more than a few months of grieving was she on Earth fighting alongside the Avengers again against the Ultron, Wanda, and Pietro. After the battle of Sokovia she helped Wanda through the passing of Pitero until it was her time to go. Isha decided not to stay with the Avengers and practice her abilities more. She met up with Amora, a friend from Asgard who was ready to help her with anything she'd need. Isha and Amora practiced both Rune and Quantum magic in the Enchanted Chóres and explored every phase of it, from it's purest potential to it's darkest. Soon word got around about Ragnarok and the fight. Thor and Loki found Isha. The sight of Loki living made her more than angry, almost to the point of killing him but with control of her emotions she did no such thing. The three went to find Odin and sadly saw his death, bringing in Hela. Thanks to Loki both Isha and him went to Sakkar. After many events of meeting Brunnhilde, finding Hulk, and causing a revolution The Grandmaster met with Isha. The threatening didn't bother her until he mentioned Loki. WIth no hesitation she slit his throat and watched him bleed out aswell as taking on members of his army. Soon Isha got on the ship and on the way to stop Hela from causing more damage to Asgard, Isha and Loki decided to hash things out one last time. Explaining how it hurts to be in love with someone who acts like they want nothing to do with them, Isha let how much she wanted to marry and have a family with him slip out. Then, the one thing she never thought she would get, came, Loki proposed to her. Isha returned a ring she was planning to give him. Following accepting eachother as future man and wife the two fought Hela with Valkyrie, Hulk, and Thor. Hela and Isha had a conversation that was able to bring Isha to more morbid understanding of her abilities and what she truly stands for. But soon Surtur cut the conversation and destroyed Asgard with Hela in it. After being on the verge of moving Asgard to Earth their ship got stopped by Thanos’. No matter their attempts of stopping Thanos, it didn’t work. The cost of trying to save the universe cost both Heimdall and Loki’s life. After the snap through 2018 to 2024 Isha secluded herself in a place called ‘New Salem’, where she improved on her forbidden and dangerous sorcery with the woman known as Agatha Harkness. Agatha taught and trained her to be fully adapted to magic and even taught her what the Ancient One couldn't; Esoteric Time control. Isha was a combatant and witch like no one has ever seen. When brought back to Avengers Tower to discuss the time heist by Nebula she had multiple mental breakdowns and had to be put on watch for the accidental damage she caused. To collect the reality stone, Thor, Isha, and Rocket went back to Asgard. After getting the stone she returned back with the two, just as quickly having to mourn Natasha. Getting the gauntlet ready, Banner and Isha fought for who would snap. After the success of Banner snapping, a rematch with Thanos was warranted. After leaving Thanos barely able to walk nor speak, Isha gave the gauntlet to Tony and watched as he snapped. Isha grieved his death a few days up until the funeral, where everyone went their own ways. She invested herself into joining the TVA. Being seen as the goddess and primary ruler of Time, with little to no effort Isha was made the leader and head cannon of the Time Variance Authority. But even with her new job, grief kept coming back. Now, all she can think about is bringing them back. Bringing her family back. Isha took up the name “The Mystic Chronomancer” and from that day forth she swore to bring them back. No matter the cost.