Abdalla1234·10/19/2024in GeneralWould You Rather Be (inspired by Cosmic Swimmer)Fairy DragonVampiric DragonAlien DragonPhoenix DragonVote69 Votes in PollPhoenix Dragon PhysiologyVampiric Dragon PhysiologyAlien Dragon PhysiologyFairy Dragon Physiology
Heartless Frost·12/8/2022in GeneralWhich "Half-Blood Queen" abilities & methods would you prefer? Sabrina Spellman or Mal Bertha?Nephilim Physiology (Fallen Angel+Mystic Human)Demigod Physiology (Underworld Deity+Fairy Dragon)Vote106 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Human Physiology/MagicalNephilim PhysiologyDemigod PhysiologyArchetype:Fallen AngelFairy Dragon Physiology
Cameron Washington·7/26/2022in GeneralWhich one would you rather have & what would you do if this option was granted to you?Transcendent(Cosmological Cyborg/Nephalonic DragonTranscendent(Fairy-Vampire Dragon/Phoenix DragonVote68 Votes in PollDemon Dragon PhysiologyAngel Dragon PhysiologyPhoenix Dragon PhysiologyVampiric Dragon PhysiologyCosmological Machine PhysiologyFairy Dragon Physiology