Brandon Daniels·12/18/2023in GeneralWhat power combo are you taking? Pt.6 Characters in the pics represent a single power of the comboVibration Emission/FlowmotionTar Mimicry/Enhanced SensesNumerical Precision/CamouflageLight Empowerment/Danger DetectionVote69 Votes in Poll(Edited by Brandon Daniels)CamouflageSenses/EnhancedDanger DetectionTar MimicryVibration EmissionFlowmotion
WhoswhoIsItYou?·5/28/2023in Questions and AnswersYou have Flowmotion, what will you do?FlowmotionHow did you obtain your power?What aspect of this power do you find most useful?Alignment?(Ex: Villain, Hero, Neutral evil, Lawful good)What universe and world do you live in?What do you use your powers for?Random detail about your character (Optional)Character details(Ex: Real name, alias, appearance, etc.)SuperpowersFlowmotion