Heartless Frost·12/21/2024in GeneralWhich "Role" Would Best Describe Yourself? (See Comments For Each Description)"The Witty Summoner""The Wayward Of The Blade""The Familiar Magician""The Guardian Knight""The Castaway Cleric""The Greencraft Academic"Vote46 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Magic ArtsSummoning ArtsDivine ArtsGuardian ArtsKatana ArtsNatural Arts
Heartless Frost·2/11/2024in GeneralRestart: What Type Of "Classes" Would You Choose To Be On Your Journey? (See Comment)Asended Demon Lord As Earth-Bound Guardian WarriorAstral Deity Reincarnated As Paranormal DetectiveSupernatural Hunter With Inner Beast CompanionAcademic Mage With Battle Addictive "Dark Self"Vote67 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)ReincarnationDark FormCombat MagicGuardian ArtsLight PowerScholar MagicDark PowerSlaying MasteryAstral Plane ConnectionInner Beast Mastery
Heartless Frost·12/7/2022in GeneralWhich "TV Fantasy Guardian" abilities & methods would you prefer? Emma Swan or Buffy Summers?Guardian Magic (White Magic+Magical Heart)Guardian Arts (Magical Enhancement +Slayer)Vote85 Votes in PollTrait:Magically Enhanced PhysiologyWhite ArtsArchetype:GuardianArchetype:SlayerMagical HeartGuardian MagicGuardian Arts