Heartless Frost·12/9/2024in GeneralThe Comments Below Will Show You Which "Role" Would Best Describe Yourself In A Fantasy World?"The Guardianship Specialist""The Champion of the Great Mother""The Sorcerous Shogun""The Retired Demon Shopkeeper"Vote37 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Planetary Life-Force ManipulationDemonic SourceCompanion AllegianceTracking Mastery/SupernaturalSummoning ArtsKatana ArtsGuardian Force ManipulationInner MagicPersonal Nature
Heartless Frost·6/30/2024in GeneralAs A Force Bearer, Which Archetypal Path Would You Take To Shape Your Abilities Into? (See Comments)"Guardian Force" (Guardian)"Slayer Force" (Slayer)"Sage Force" (Sage)"Ninja Force" (Ninja)"Mon Force" (Mon Trainer)See ResultsVote63 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Force ManipulationArchetypal Force ManipulationGuardian Force ManipulationSlayer Force ManipulationSage Force ManipulationNinja Force ManipulationMon Force Manipulation