What would you guys do with almighty levels of imagination empowerment?
What would you guys do with almighty levels of imagination empowerment?
60 Votes in Poll
101 Votes in Poll
79 Votes in Poll
82 Votes in Poll
Animal manipulation
Automatic attack
Automatic defense
Body manipulation
Bullet redirection
Cape manipulation
Cape proficiency
Chain arts
Chain creation
Chain manipulation
Chain proficiency
Claw retraction
Cosmic awareness
Curse inducement
Darkside view
Death-force arts
Death-force combat
Death-force manipulation
Death sense
Demonic magic
Doppelgänger morphing
Ectokinetic constructs
Ectoplasm manipulation
Ectoplasmic defense
Elemental generation
Elemental manipulation
Enhanced agility
Enhanced accuracy
Enhanced combat mastery
Enhanced durability
Enhanced senses
Enhanced stealth
Enhanced violence
Esoteric shapeshifting
Eternal rest inducement
Ethnicity manipulation
Evil empowerment
Fire breath
Gun arts
Gun creation
Hand-to-head shapeshifting
Hellborne manipulation
Hell-fire manipulation
Hellish connection
High-speed flight
Identity manipulation
Imagination arts
Imagination-based powers
Imagination empowerment
Indomitable will
Life conversion
Living factory
Magical matter manipulation
Malefic authority
Meta matter transmutation
Mind reading
Mixed martial arts mastery
Molecular arts
Multiple souls
Necroplasmic conversion
Night vision
Personal army
Physical attack reversal
Physical augmentation
Portal creation
Power bestowal
Realm closure
Regenerative durability
Shadow camouflage
Shadow teleportation
Sharpness manipulation
Sin empowerment
Soul absorption
Soul magic
Soul removal
Special operations mastery
Spell casting
Spell creation
Spiritual symbiotic exoskeleton
Strength combat
Supernatural stamina
Supernatural strength
Tentacle manifestation
Time manipulation
Time stopping
Tracking evasion
Transformation arts
Weapon arts
Weapon creation
Weapon manipulation
The actual amount of power i would have due to my imagination….
115 Votes in Poll
Basically talking about my OC Shiro,
the main protagonist of a self insert saga with foreign reality warping powers by his imagination in addition to having a vast knowledge of fictional characters and worlds (just like us).
The challenge: Making him an underdog and not a Marry Su.
For example: I toss his ass into the Cthulhu Mythos verse and he has a mental breakdown, falls into a coma for three years, and now has PTSD and has thalassophobia
118 Votes in Poll
108 Votes in Poll