EtherealMystic·9/13/2024in GeneralWhich would you rather have and why? (Both with Absolute Creativity)Imagination MagicSubjective RealityVote48 Votes in PollSubjective RealityCreativity/AbsoluteImagination Magic
Deshawnm Jones·5/9/2024in GeneralAnother battle between magic variations (at their max potential and no limitation) which one wins?Chaos magic (no limits/max potential)Imagination magic (no limits/max potential)Vote67 Votes in PollChaos MagicImagination Magic
Deshawnm Jones·5/8/2024in GeneralA battle between magic variations, which one do you guys think wins this fightImagination magic (no limitations) Quantum magic (no limitations)Vote50 Votes in PollQuantum MagicImagination Magic
Deshawnm Jones·4/13/2024in GeneralImagination magicAnother power that i can see myself getting behind :) Imagination Magic
EtherealMystic·2/26/2024in GeneralWhich would you want, what is your reason, and what would you do?Chaos MagicOrder MagicMagical WarpingEthereal MagicImagination MagicSee ResultsVote93 Votes in PollChaos MagicOrder MagicImagination MagicMagical WarpingEthereal Magic
Temporal (Zen-El)·12/19/2023in GeneralNew spellbooksImaginomicon and fictionomicon and conceptonomicon(Edited by Temporal (Zen-El))Conceptual MagicImagination MagicMagic BooksFictional Magic
Abdalla1234·9/2/2023in GeneralImagination powers popularity. Meme I made (Click Image)(Edited by Abdalla1234)Imagination ManifestationImagination MagicTrait:Imagination-Based PowersNonexistent Activity
Abdalla1234·3/13/2023in GeneralWhich is better/rather have?Reality MagicImagination MagicVote106 Votes in PollImagination MagicMagical Warping
Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O·1/30/2022in GeneralIn a world full of magic. What kind of magic so you learned.Elemental MagicImagination MagicChaos MagicDark ArtsVote143 Votes in PollMagicDark ArtsChaos MagicElemental MagicImagination Magic
Ludwigkoopa7000·12/27/2021in GeneralYou have gained a double edge power what is it look at comments.Imagination MagicChaos MagicVote102 Votes in Poll(Edited by Ludwigkoopa7000)Trait:Double-Edged PowerChaos MagicImagination Magic