Heartless Frost·12/9/2024in GeneralThe Comments Below Will Show You Which "Role" Would Best Describe Yourself In A Fantasy World?"The Guardianship Specialist""The Champion of the Great Mother""The Sorcerous Shogun""The Retired Demon Shopkeeper"Vote37 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Planetary Life-Force ManipulationDemonic SourceCompanion AllegianceTracking Mastery/SupernaturalSummoning ArtsKatana ArtsGuardian Force ManipulationInner MagicPersonal Nature
Heartless Frost·9/3/2024in GeneralPart Of Preternatural Team Dealing With Esoteric Threats, Which Would Best Describe Yourself?"Supernatural Genius" (Paranormal Mastery)"Mage Within" (Inner Magic)"Superior Mystic" (Magical Raw Power)"Magic Slayer" (Anti-Magic Manipulation)Vote68 Votes in PollAnti-Magic ManipulationParanormal MasteryMagic PowerSuperior Magical PowerInner Magic