Heartless Frost·6/18/2024in GeneralAs Demigod Of "In-Between", Which Path Would Better Suit You? (See Comments)Demigod Of Threshold (The Key & The Door)Demigod Of Deals (Absolute Contract)Demigod Of Freedom (Living Anomaly)Vote52 Votes in PollDemigod PhysiologyAbsolute ContractKey to the DoorLiving AnomalyDoorway Embodiment
Heartless Frost·11/13/2022in GeneralWhich form of "Chosen One/Guardianship" abilities & methods would you prefer? Link or Sora?Magic Sword (The Master Sword)/The CourageStrong Heart/The Key+Empathic Weaponry (Keyblade)Vote83 Votes in PollStrong HeartArchetype:Chosen OneArchetype:GuardianEmpathic WeaponryKey to the DoorMagic SwordCourage Embodiment
Heartless Frost·9/10/2022in GeneralFor fans of The Buffyverse, which character's path would you take to obtain abilities/skills?Buffy: Chosen to be The Slayer (Guardianship)Willow: Train in the Arts of Magic (Witchcraft)Cordelia: Conduit of the Powers That Be (Divinity)Dawn: Energies turned Mortal (Key to the Door)Vote59 Votes in PollDivinityArchetype:GuardianWitchcraftKey to the Door