XxJqcobxx·11/28/2022in GeneralScarlet Witch VS Starfire: Who Wins?Scarlet Witch ❤️Starfire 💕💚Vote117 Votes in PollEnergy ManipulationTelekinesisChaos ManipulationChaos MagicLaser Beam EmissionChaos Energy ManipulationSuperhuman ManipulationOptic Blasts
Abdalla1234·11/27/2022in GeneralI couldn't find a good format for this meme. Someone did the same.Laser Beam Emission
Kmwno 1·6/26/2022in GeneralLaser ForeheadThe ability to shoot laser beams from one's forehead.What do you think of this power I made up?SuperpowersPower BestowalList of ListsMental ManipulationUser blog:Dragon-Fox 7/List of Archetypes and TraitsLaser Beam EmissionMental Attacks
VlonzVsowavy·3/16/2022in GeneralI’m back guys and which power would you pickTelekinesis Teleportation Super strength FlightElectricity control Hand Laser beams Vote148 Votes in PollTelekinesisElectricity ManipulationTeleportationFlightStrength/EnhancedLaser Beam Emission
Setya Adi Rideth·2/17/2021in GeneralLight and laserWhat are differences between them? Which one is stronger? LaserLight ManipulationLaser Beam EmissionLaser Attacks
Darkeyes-Tzar·10/16/2020in GeneralWhich would you prefer to be able to emit?Concussive force Laser FireLightningIceVibrationVote113 Votes in PollConcussive ForceFire AttacksLightning Bolt ProjectionLaser Beam Emission