Mother earth has finally awoken. In a devastating cataclysmic event, Mother Earth has decided to reclaim her land, completely destroying human civilization. In turn, a magical energy is now flowing through the earth, which revitalizes life, and turns the earth into a paradise.
You are one of the few humans around the world who have managed to survive this destruction. You have survived due to your potential of developing "Magic" through the natural energy of the earth. In addition, humans have developed the ability to 'bond' with a creature, being able to borrow this creatures power.
Humans are not the only creatures to develop this ability. New creatures have now been born, along with new environments. Your goal is to survive in this new world.
You may choose your favored magic (your magic is (mostly) limited toward the earth) (No Omni abilities, although transcendant abilities can be achieved).
Magical Abilities:
Other notable skills:
Summoned Creature (Optional):
Here is my idea
Name: Jon James
Age: 25
Sex: M
Magical Abilities: Abyss Magic (Primordial Water Manipulation mixed with Spatial Magic)
Allows me to breathe in water
Able to liquify anything
Can teleport wherever there is water
Other Notable Skills: Skilled Diver/Swimmer, Marine Biologist
Summoned Creature: Great Slime
Can summon elemental slimes
Can become a slime
Able to shapeshift
Profession: Marine Researcher
Goals: Explore the Sea