you have the ability to merge objects with random fictional characters once merged the object will become alive and take on the appearance of said character though they will also somewhat resemble the object if the object was a doll/action figure then they will simply gain the physical features(and gender features if they were a different gender than that character) while keeping their own they will have the the memories personality and powers of said character but if the object had an intended use and property then the the merged result will have a version of that character’s personality and identity oriented a bit more around that use and gain a power based on that property like say merge your oven with Gloria hippo and that your oven is now a robotic version of Gloria hippo with a love for cooking and the power to generate heat along with cooking intuition who believes that it is your personal chef or Nick Wilde with a rock and you’ve created living sculpture of Nick Wilde with stone mimicry
Get 3 Random Characters and then combine them with objects you own and tell what they would look like and what their merged personalities and identities would be and also their powers and how you would react to each infusion along with how much your life will be changed by it