I'm creating a character, who is a superhero that uses life-force manipulation to fight, and I can't think of a good superhero name.
The Way He fights:
When he is fighting villains he mostly uses life-force constructs to fight and augmenting his body with life-force energy to fight villain.
HIs personality:
His is very cheerful person who isn't scared of confrontation, he is very smart too and usually uses it when he is fighting a villain or in a serious situation. He also doesn't mind breaking the rules if the situation calls for it. He is very laid back and makes jokes to make his friends or the people around him laugh but he does it while also having proper etiquette. his is also very ambitious and confident in his abilities, whether they are his superpower or his skill he has mastered through hard work and talent. people around him would usually describe him as the sun.
Physical description:
He is 2 meters tall, so i think 6'6. he has silvery grey hair and golden eyes, and an olive skin tone. has a muscular build. his life-force constructs are a silvery white colour, and when he turns inanimate object to animals or plants the life-force is golden in color.
So if you guys can think of a cool and creative superhero name please let me know.