Tiga8472·6/22/2023in GeneralIn your opinion, which one is better?12Vote52 Votes in PollSuperpowersMagicEnergy ManipulationPsionicsDarkness ManipulationReality WarpingList of Kinetic AbilitiesTwilight ManipulationLight-Dark Force ManipulationKresnik Physiology
Tiga8472·6/21/2023in GeneralWhich of these suits a story like VHD or Castlevania better?1234Vote37 Votes in PollMagicDarkness ManipulationVampire PhysiologyCambion PhysiologyTwilight ManipulationLight-Dark Force ManipulationDevil ModeNeutral Magic
Alex8784·2/4/2023in GeneralYou fall asleep and these mirrors appear before you which would you choose? (Read Comments)Time and SpaceImagination and Fantasy Time and Space Heat and ColdLight and DarkNature and ElementsVote140 Votes in PollMagicElemental ManipulationSpace-Time ManipulationHeat ManipulationCold ManipulationNature ManipulationLight-Dark Force ManipulationTrait:Imagination-Based Powers
Heartless Frost·6/17/2022in GeneralTwo abilities, one singular power. Which of these would you start out with as a Metahuman? Part 79Light-Dark Force: Light Force+Dark Force ControlPeriodic Element: Chemistry+Matter ManipulationVote119 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)Periodic Element ManipulationLight-Dark Force Manipulation
Flashbranson·6/8/2021in GeneralQuestion About Light-Dark Force ManipulationShouldn't the Nephalem be considered users of this ability?Nephalem PhysiologyLight-Dark Force Manipulation