130 Votes in Poll
130 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
Which power, weapon, item, or suit from a hero or villain would you want, with all abilities that comes with it. You can list up to three items you want but you can only pick one.
My list
1. Thunderbolt
2. Cosmic Staff
Alias ideas
Emerald Shadow
The green chaos
Child of Dawn and Dark
Prince of pandemonium
Angel of chaos
Empress of blood
The Scarlet huntress
The white maelstorm
The storm that howls
Names for techniques
Arctic angel
Ruined future
Mercurial Rose
Blighted despair
Ashen Heaven
Grave of the World
Grim festival
Primordial canon
Eye of the madness
Grasp of the Serpent
Feast of a thousand worlds
Anarchy flame
Festival of gore
Field of Silence
Sanguine tsunami
Roar of the hounds
Carrion Frenzy
Blitz bullet
Merciless Winter
Deform Flesh
Volcanic rain
Summon: Infernal horde
Necrotic legion
Lifeless animation
Depthless Canyon
Crushing mountain step
Gorgon blast
Despoiling field
Frigid claws
Feral Ivory
Shatter sanity
Solarium field
Bloodshed charge
Radiate vanity
Dead Heaven
Distill anxiety
Touch of the Nihilist
Summon: Guardian of Sin
Blinding hope
Strike of Divinity
Torched Heavenly light
Vulcan wave
Field of silence
Tundric construction
Well of voices
Haunting shallows
Sickening sphere
Shrieking tempest
Binding gale
Echoing thunder
Volcanic wave
Glacier guardian
Azrael’s grasp
Gate of pandemonium
Eldritch view
Pitch walk
Chilling winds
Flesh Noose
Blood maiden
Bone maiden
Chronal skip
Accelerated Decay
Social illusion
Track malice
Track benevolence
Killer mirage
Rebirth thy dead
Death calendar
Nether calamity
Soulless glare
Spirit eye
Beheading stream
Neural shock
Flying smite
Avatar Harvest
Triple spear Thalassic
Blade of the Sovereign
Claws of Inferno
Dagger of the First Plague
Discordant staff
Axe of Mayhem
Chains of Desolation
Axe of savagery
Claws of carnage
Mace of a thousand massacres
Spear of the forbidden
Glaive of greed
Inflaming passion (whip)
Clawing hunged
Twin blades Malice and vengeance
Slyvan Scepter
Sword of skirmish
Scythe of the Obsidian world
Webbed crystal of Arachne
Nebulous sword
The Empyrean bow
Winter’s axe
Spear of the Conqueror
Gauntlets of butchery
71 Votes in Poll
124 Votes in Poll
98 Votes in Poll
You are a supernatural hunter in a world with only 20% humans not turned. You have enhanced condition level 1, survival mastery and one special supernatural weapon.
What does it look like?:
What properties does it have? (NO OP powers):
Holy Fire that incinerates anything it cuts. Doesn't work on chosen wielders, or humans unless they have the contagion.
Do you think you can keep the remaining humans alive?
With enhanced condition and survival mastery and a magic weapon? Yes, but it won't be easy.
33 Votes in Poll
Is it possible to create powerful artifacts but not related to magic(like via magic,magical power being infused,etc)?
These weapons are bound to your soul, can disappear & reappear on command, and are extremely powerful.
Create up to minimum of 2 weapons with a maximum of 5 that posses their own unique abilities (Magical, Supernatural, Scientific, etc).
You automatically posses Enhanced Body and proficiency in whatever weapons you use. There isn't really any power limit other than omni.
Weapon's Name:
Weapon's Range:
Weapon's Power(s):
Weapon's Origin (Optional):
How You Acquired The Weapon (Optional):
Superhumans who posses magic and magic weaponry are known as "Hunters". They specialize in the hunting, capture, and/or termination of monsters and rogue Hunters. Some have specific skills in hunting a specific target like Werebeast Hunters, Ghoul Hunters, Demon Hunters. Etc. All Hunters can be identified by an arcane rune like mark(s) somewhere on their bodies called "H-marks".
Some Hunters have mutations that can subtly or obviously alter their appearance. Hunters have enhanced physical capabilities, slowed aging, can sense monsters & other Hunters nearby, can use up to two different types of magic, and have a few supernatural abilities called "Hunter Skills". They are given their personal magic weapon shortly after their powers manifest, these weapons are called a "Hunters Tool". Their weapon is incredibly powerful, improves as they do, and has a unique magical ability.
No omni, meta, absolute, almighty powers or magic
Current age:
Age when powers manifested:
Location & appearance of H-mark:
Type of Hunter:
2 Magics you use:
Hunter Skills:
Your Hunters Tool:
Hunter Tools magical ability:
What you plan to do:
170 Votes in Poll
133 Votes in Poll
145 Votes in Poll
140 Votes in Poll
Winner: Ilikefords444555
You loot the bandits of all their stuff. It's mostly crappy leather clothes, pocket change, and crappy dull knifes. Emily assumes they were just cannon fodder. As some guards take the bandits away, you ask for any info on the Bandit King. He is actually a member of the Demon Kings army, and wields a heavy axe that is enhanced with Earthquake Magic. He also has the Berserker Class. Emily rallies a group of adventurers to join the guards in fighting the Bandit Army. She takes care of the assigning the different groups of fighter, such as Glass Cannons, Tanks, Support and Mixed.
The next day, the Bandit King's army attacks! The Guards and adventurer's clash with weapons and spells! Emily uses her sword magic to take out multiple groups of bandits at once! You, also take out bandits with nothing but your fists, and feet! The Bandit King finds your strength interesting, and fights you one-on-one! His magic axe shatters the ground like it's made glass, and Emily looks at your direction with worry!
Despite all odds, you defeat, but not kill the Bandit King with a strong uppercut to the jaw, though you are heavily injured. The Guards and Adventurers win the war, and arrest the surviving bandits. Emily, impressed by your courage and strength. Offers you to join her on her adventures, which you accept.
What will you do now?
132 Votes in Poll
153 Votes in Poll
You wake up in another world after a night of drinking and discover that your body has been changed and magic is now real and you have a magical weapon. You faintly remember bumping into a woman on your way home from the bar and telling her how much our world sucks. After you two flirt back and forth for awhile she says she could send you somewhere else, you won't be the same but you would have a purpose. You agree. What do you tell her?
Your new name?
What hybrid physiology are you?
What powers does that physiology give you?
What type of magic do you specialize in?
What is your new appearance?
What is your new magic weapon ?
What can your weapon do?
What are your weaknesses?
And type of person would you become?
Nothing too OP. No omni, meta, almighty, absolute powers or physiology. Nigh-Omnipotent is allowed but it needs a weakness