67 Votes in Poll
67 Votes in Poll
The Gaians are Planetary Entities (Type 1 Cosmological Entities of Planetary Scale) that personify the natural elemental energies of her world (both non-esoteric and mystical forces) as well as personification of the life essences of her world’s biosphere. All Gaias are born female (in the biological sense), although some have been known to transition into trans or non-binary when sapient life became more advanced. Only one "Gaia" can exist on a certain world, and they only can be born on and exist in "Gaian Realms"
The birth of a Gaia requires them to be born on a Gaian Realm and in order for a world to be a Gaian Realm, it has to have a biosphere (starting off as the potential for life) and leylines; veins of supernatural crystals under the planet that can siphon interdimensional energy when exposed to vast amounts of heat and electricity. Genesis Day is basically a Gaia’s birthday and the anniversary of when life first spawned on this planet.
The power and stability of a Gaia is dependent on her connection to the planet’s leylines & her life force is dependent on the existence of her biosphere. If either one is compromised, it could kill Gaia.
What would your Gaia look and be like (Name, Appearance, Personality and Powers) and what was her genesis day like.
Magic is a kind of Arcane Art powered by otherworldly forces, some wizards tap into lesser mystical forces (diluted quasiphysical energies of ambient magic) to draw power. however mages warlocks are able to make deals with various mystical beings to obtain mystical power or enhance their existing magical affinity that they were born with.
Mystical Beings are basically any Metaentities or Cosmological Entities that are strongly connected to or one with mystical forces (any supernatural energy source that can fuel magic; usually Unknown Universal Forces or Chaotic Extradimensional Energies thats either of a Dynamic and/or Abstract Nature), they usually have an appearance akin to various mythological animals
You can choose up to Six Mystical Beings to draw power from, what deal you make with them and what magicks you gain from them?
What if the universe was a sentient being who learned magic, let’s take a look at the scenario itself.
For one thing, Universaloids are a Class 1 Species of Type 4 Cosmological Entities. Class 1 Pandimensional Entities are beings that are one with or are the "universe" (Universaloids are the latter). There are two different types of Universaloids depending on the context you use for universe:
Demi-Universaloids (Context: Dimensional Planes)
They are Anthropomorphic Entities of Pure Dimensionality who each personify a separate dimensional plane of our reality. Planes or Big Dimensional Bodies are Nigh-Infinite Sized Bodies of Interdimensional Spacetime, compared to Zones or Pocket Dimensions which are Smaller Dimensional Bodies that form inside of said planes.
Each Plane has no more then 10 Million Zones, but no less then 10 Thousand; 30-40% of those pocket universes are most likely mystical (slightly chaotic in nature and conceptually flexible). There is a 50-50 chance any of these planes and zones could have a vast supply of elemental substance and structure (Dimensional Realms) or be devoid of almost anything but temporary violations of conservation on the quantum scale (Dimensional Voids).
The only limits to these guys power is that they can only manipulate the power within their own dimensional plane, never others. Also, your powers are subject to the True Universaloids will.
True-Universaloids (Context: Alternative Realities)
These Guys are the real deal, Entities that personify entire continuities of existence (Unirealities), each one with their own history. It consists of Infinite to Nigh-Infinite Quantity of Dimensional Bodies (Dimensional Planes and The Zones in said planes), each one with various different elements (materials, energies, forces, concepts, etc.) with different physical/metaphysical laws and properties (depending on the dimension of origin) that can be channeled and manipulated by said True Universaloid, giving them something akin to Omnimancy.
They have two limitations, they cannot channel elements from alternate realities (despite the fact they have infinite dimensional realms to channel power from, there may be something about those realities that are unique) and if their timeline is altered by something like time travel, it could be hazardous to their health.
What kind would your Universaloid Magician(s) be?
You can create 3 Magicians on this post.
(Universaloids are created and owned by Gabriel E. "Heartz13" Saravia. Please Do Not Use without permission.)
117 Votes in Poll
Familiars are the ultimate combination of magic, technology, and organic material. There once regular magical creatures until they mysteriously went extinct. However, through the genius of a powerful magic-user/scientist, he was able to not only bring them back but made them into stronger, powerful, and modified versions of their old forms. Each Familiar is well equipped with their unique physiology, powers, capabilities, and equipment.
A magician is someone who can connect with Familiars, this allows the person to do amazing things, like taking the skills and techniques of assimilating a Familiar with him. They can ask for advice from there Familiar, perform basic magic and help interact with mystical areas. They can also use runes and summon there Familiar when they need them. Moreover, by linking with there familiar, they can also gain ancient knowledge and secrets. But the best part is that Familiars and magicians can fuse to create an ultra-form called "Fantasia"
What is your Familiar? Create your own original familiar using this templet:
Fantasia Form(A fusion between the magician and familiar):
The level of bond between the Familiar and you:
Powers(It cannot be on a godly, transcendent, meta, absolute, almightly level):
Weaknesses (you'll need at least two):
How did the Familiar found you or How did you find the Familiar:
158 Votes in Poll
Well when I go on the Marvel Wiki, I see that Wanda & her brother were genetically altered by the High Evolutionary to have their current powers.
So does that make Wanda a Human Mutant/Mutant Mage or Transhuman?
Because if I remember correctly, Superior Humans happen naturally, right?
Familiars are the ultimate combination of magic, technology, and organic material. There once regular magical creatures until they mysteriously went extinct. However, through the genius of a powerful magic-user/scientist, he was able to not only bring them back but made them into stronger, powerful, and modified versions of their old forms. Each Familiar is well equipped with their unique physiology, powers, capabilities, and equipment.
A magician is someone who can connect with Familiars, this allows the person to do amazing things, like taking the skills and techniques of assimilating a Familiar with him. They can ask for advice from there Familiar, perform basic magic and help interact with mystical areas. They can also use runes and summon there Familiar when they need them. Moreover, by linking with there familiar, they can also gain ancient knowledge and secrets. But the best part is that Familiars and magicians can fuse to create an ultra-form called "Fantasia"
What is your Familiar? Create your own original familiar using this templet:
Fantasia Form(A fusion between the magician and familiar):
The level of bond between the Familiar and you:
Powers(It cannot be on a godly, transcendent, meta, absolute, almightly level):
Weaknesses (you'll need at least two):
How did the Familiar found you or How did you find the Familiar:
Familiars are the ultimate combination of magic, technology, and organic material. There once regular magical creatures until they mysteriously went extinct. However, through the genius of a powerful magic-user/scientist, he was able to not only bring them back but made them into stronger, powerful, and modified versions of their old forms. Each Familiar is well equipped with their unique physiology, powers, capabilities, and equipment.
A magician is someone who can connect with Familiars, this allows the person to do amazing things, like taking the skills and techniques of assimilating a Familiar with him. They can ask for advice from there Familiar, perform basic magic and help interact with mystical areas. They can also use runes and summon there Familiar when they need them. Moreover, by linking with there familiar, they can also gain ancient knowledge and secrets. But the best part is that Familiars and magicians can fuse to create an ultra-form called "Fantasia"
What is your Familiar? Create your own original familiar using this templet:
Fantasia Form(A fusion between the magician and familiar):
The level of bond between the Familiar and you:
Powers(It cannot be on a godly, transcendent, meta, absolute, almightly level):
Weaknesses (you'll need at least two):
How did the Familiar found you or How did you find the Familiar:
I have a idea for a power but i need to find users for this power
Mystic Digital Physiology
User with this ability either is or can transform into a digital lifeform capable of using magic.
Here's an a idea for a new powers
Mystic Digital Physiology
a combination of digital form and magical entity physiology
User with this ability either is or can transform into a digital lifeform capable of using magic.
Imagine if some magician wanted to like, have a kid, or test out their powers, or just make a friend, then they use some kind of magic to create one human.
So which would be the coolest kind of magic to make a human out of it? A human made out of Eldritch Magic, or maybe Nature Magic...who knows? Can u suggest anything?
152 Votes in Poll
57 Votes in Poll
194 Votes in Poll