Alias:Odin Borrson, Wotan, Hrafnaguð (Raven God), Hoárr (One-Eyed), Madman (by Mimir), Father (by Thor and Baldur), King of Meddlers (by Mimir), Bastard (by Mimir and Freya), Prick (by Freyr), Ol' One-Eye (by Freyr), All-Fucker (by Brok & Mimir), Powerful God with Impossibly High Expectations (by Atreus), Husband (by Freya), Father (by Thor & Baldur), God of Titles (by Lúnda), Big Daddy High Muckety-Muck of all the Aesir (by Lúnda), Maniac (by Freyr)
Titles:God of the Sky, God of War, God of Death, God of Frenzy,God of Wisdom, God of Healing, God of Poetry, God of Divination, God of Knowledge, God of Magic, God of the Runic Alphabet, God of the Battle, God of Royalty, God of the Gallows, God of Fatherhood, God of Kingship, God of Love, God of Desire, God of Wishes, God of Passion, God of Fury, God of Inspiration, God of Ecstasy,God of Divine madness, God of Eagerness, King of Asgard, King of the Aesir, Lord of the Hanged, The Raven King, All-Father
Eons (Older than The New Gods)
Grey Black
Balder✝, Vidar✝, Tyr✝, Heimdall ✝, Thor, Vali ✝, (Sons)
Allfather Of Norse Mythos
Old Gods
Ian McShane or Noam Jenkins
Odin is a crafty and endlessly charismatic conman full of perverse wisdom, curious magic, and grand plans to unite the Old Gods in a battle for power against the New Gods
Odin was one of the Old Gods who rebelled against The Original Gods and killed them and took their roles as the new rulers of earth till the End Of Paganism in 600 AD but Jesus helped his fellow Gods by giving 1/8 of his worship to them and letting them do what they want to get more worship. And Odin made a theatre called Regius Theatre with his son Thor and when he learned that Thor has made a deal to the New Gods in order to get more worship he fought Thor for this disorder but lost and shattering his spear Gungnir.
The Killing
When he learned that Mr. World is killing Old Gods he made a blood pact to Columbia in order for her to start a war with Soviet Union making Columbia offer the dead people in the Cold War to Odin.
Incoming War Of The Gods
With Odin's plan work successfully with him killing Soviet Union and declared war on The New Gods. Now with mostly every Old God getting ready for war and Odin is looking for Thor so he can kill his son with his new weapon made by Hephaestus. While in his travels he was recruiting Old Gods to join in the war.
Powers and Abilities
Deity Physiology: As the God of death, war and many more he can do many things
Weather Manipulation:He control the weather with his spear before it got destroyed.
Sacrifice Empowerment: He required many deaths as the God Of War and Death to empower his strength thanks to the deaths of the Cold War.
Avian Companionship: He has two ravens who are called Huginn and Muninn who are Odin's Thought and Memory.
War Manipulation: As the God Of War he can do everything upside down by conflicts by influencing people or events, raise their personal and fanatical armies, control and create weapons of every kind and even grant others extensive abilities of combat.
Nigh-Omniscience: When he hung himself on the World Tree he almost got the information about all of creation.
Teleportation: Could teleport from anywhere such as prisons or even in high-stakes battles such as Fafnir's
Melee Weapon Proficiency: He is the master of all weapons
Human Disguise: He take human disguise to in human world to get more worship as well.
Odin human disguise appears in a suit with a glass right eye with his blade as an cane in his true form he appears as in Viking robes with a golden eyepatch on his left eye with a fluffy cape
Gungnir was Odin's favorite weapon out of everything he received it by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi under the mastery of the blacksmith dwarf Dvalin. The spear was obtained from the dwarfs by Loki, the result of a scheme he concocted as a partial reparation for his cutting of the goddess Sif's hair. The spear is described as being so well balanced that it could strike any target, no matter the skill or strength of the wielder when it was destroyed by Thor in their battle, Odin tried to repaired it but failed multiple times and he couldn’t asked the dwarves since they are dies by Vulcan poisoning them.
All Blade
The All Blade is a blade created by Hephaestus when Odin asked him to make him a new weapon for the destruction of his spear he forged it with deep within the factory and over vats of liquid metal, Hephaestus forges Odin sword. Odin compliments Hephaestus on his craftsmanship but thanked him for his new weapon.
His relationship with Thor is first kind like every Father and Son Relationship but when Thor made a deal with The New Gods their relationship turned into chaos when it happened and now Odin is looking for Thor to kill him.
Tyr, Balder, and Vidar, Heimdall and Vail
It’s unknown what were his relationship with his other sons to him they are his favorite sons till Mr. World started to killed Old Gods the first ones were his sons.
His page