Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O·5/14/2023in GeneralWhich Mind/Mental Based Power Do You Want?Memory Manipulation Mind Exchange Action InducementAlter Ego CreationAlternate-Selves ContactingMind SummoningVote72 Votes in Poll(Edited by Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O)Memory ManipulationAlter Ego CreationMind ExchangeAlternate-Self ContactingMind SummoningAction Inducement
Brandon Daniels·6/2/2022in GeneralWhich of these abilities would you rather have? Pt.12Mind ExchangeDoppelganger MorphingVote92 Votes in PollDoppelgänger MorphingMind Exchange
RyanKraftBR·1/6/2022in GeneralWhich power do you prefer? And why? - Part 9Physical Augmentation (up to Super - Type II)Mind ExchangeClairvoyancePower NegationVisual Power ReplicationElemental MimicryVote143 Votes in PollSuperpower NegationPhysical AugmentationClairvoyanceElemental MimicryVisual Power ReplicationMind Exchange