Murphy'sLawReallySucks·6/29/2024in GeneralAn age old question. If you had a choice to be one of these things, which would you choose to be?Werebeast Physiology Vampire PhysiologyGhost Physiology Mummy PhysiologyFrankenstein's Monster PhysiologyGiant PhysiologyVote75 Votes in PollVampire PhysiologyGiant PhysiologyGhost PhysiologyWerebeast PhysiologyFrankensteinian Monster PhysiologyMonster PhysiologyMummy Physiology
Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O·11/20/2022in GeneralWhich Scary Physiology Do You Want?Zombie PhysiologyGhost PhysiologyLich PhysiologyMummy PhysiologyVote85 Votes in Poll(Edited by Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O)Ghost PhysiologyLich PhysiologyZombie PhysiologyMummy Physiology
Dragonslayercoyote·1/24/2021in Generalpeople believe you are monster but you get a superpower and get convert people in that monster super strength and speed and durability-zombiedarkness empowerment and sonic scream-werewolfflight and bat manipulation-vampiregold manipulation and sun empowerment-mummyintangibility and possesion-ghostweather manipulation and size increasing-kaijuVote106 Votes in Poll(Edited by Dragonslayercoyote)Vampire PhysiologyWerewolf PhysiologyGhost PhysiologyZombie PhysiologyMummy PhysiologyGiant Monster Physiology