Something in your blood awakened one night, transforming you into a monstrous creature with supernatural powers and a lust for blood and a rage. Now, every night when the sun goes down, you transform into this creature. Naturally, it becomes easier over time and you adjust. Eventually you are able to remain in conscious control over yourself, but that bloodlust is still there and can take over.
You have limited access to your powers during the day, mainly enhanced physical capabilities, slowed aging, and low level usage of your supernatural abilities. The transformation happens every night and lasts until the sun comes up, this cannot be stopped from happening or gotten rid of. The more you resist the transformation, the more it hurts.
As usual no omni, absolute, almighty, meta, but also; no potence, nigh, defiance, perfect/perfection, or transcendent powers/physiology. The transformation has to alter your body with monsterous mutations, it can't just be different color eyes and hair. You can't gain control instantly, it takes time.
Creature form appearance:
Creature form powers:
How much of your powers can you use during the day (other than the standard):
What happened the first time you transformed:
How long it took to gain control (optional):
Will you tell anyone, if so who (optional):
What you plan to do with this power: