(semi inspired by Chaquetrix ben 10 au and fiction bestowal) Obligoids are an all female(though a simple sex change spell can alter that) species of humanoid anthro objects they have powers and abilities based on what object their an anthro of. The creation of an obligoid can be done through many of way by pouring an all obligoid potion on an object in your home( ingredients the blood of a siren, eye of a golem and the ground up horns of a gargoyle) or even being cursed into becoming one by a spellcaster for procrastinating doing something related to an item your now an anthro of it varies wildly. Obligoids are loyal to their masters(creators or cursegivers) cursed ones are only let go when they have full filled their chore.
You either have created and obligoid or have been cursed into being one whichever you believe is more likely tell me what item it is/you are an anthro off and I will give a set of abilities to match and then you tell me how you/they look how you react and what you do