The ability to warp reality at eternal and balanced level. Combination of alpha reality, omega reality, and middle reality.
Also called: Omni-trinity warping, omni-reality warping, tri-reality warp.
30 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
The ability to warp reality at eternal and balanced level. Combination of alpha reality, omega reality, and middle reality.
Also called: Omni-trinity warping, omni-reality warping, tri-reality warp.
62 Votes in Poll
1: Alpha Reality
2: Omega Reality
3: Middle Reality
4: Etherius Warping
Can someone explain how this guy has all these powers? There is no evidence for more than HALF of these.
Hell even TV tropes and several websites have important character info be COMPLETELY BLANK!
Heres the powers he has:
4th wall awareness
Absolute accuracy
Absolute charisma
Absolute condition
Absolute endurance
Absolute flexibility
Absolute invulnerability
Absolute lock manipulation
Absolute manipulation
Absolute reflexes
Absolute regeneration
Absolute senses
Absolute stamina
Anime & manga manipulation
Attack movement manipulation
Attraction & repulsion
Calamity embodiment
Causality manipulation
Causality perception
Charisma manipulation
Companion allegiance
Cosmic telekinesis
Demonic matter manipulation
Demonic psionics
Demonic source
Desire augmentation
Desire inducement
Desire intuition
Desire manipulation
Earth manipulation
Earthquake generation
Existence manipulation
False divinity
Gravity combat
Gravity manipulation
Hatred embodiment
Hidden arsenal
Hidden attacks
Illusionary perfection
Illusion attacks
Illusion generation
Illusory combat
Intellectual combat
Intuitive aptitude
Literary mastery
Manipulation mastery
Meta teleportation
Mind control
Pain illusion
Physics manipulation
Plot empowerment
Psychological combat
Real world manipulation
Repulsion manipulation
Rule bending
Sadism embodiment
Social mastery
Soul manipulation
Soul mutilation
Space-time manipulation
Supernatural agility
Supernatural combat mastery
Supernatural mobility
Supernatural speed
Supernatural strength
Supernatural swordsmanship
Tactical genius
Telekinetic combat
Telekinetic force manipulation
Telepathic combat
Teleportation combat
Time stopping
True illusion
Vector manipulation
Will breaking
Has his image but isnt listed in the users section
Omega reality
70 Votes in Poll
118 Votes in Poll
So I've been wondering about this. Some aspects of unreality (imagination, fiction, lies, etc) seem to stem from sentient/sapient beings in a reality, but in a more general sense, just being 'everything that is not real', unreality seems like a more fundamental thing. So my question is: where does Unreality stand in relation to the Alpha (and Omega) Reality?
90 Votes in Poll
101 Votes in Poll
Are there any variations of reality warp or abilities that can warp reality that don't automatically makes you OP? Or any ability that can warp reality makes you OP by default?
125 Votes in Poll
Does the Phoenix Force from Marvel Universe has Alpha and Omega Reality Warping? I am asking this because once it stated that it’s the Alpha and Omega of everything
114 Votes in Poll
He y’all so im having a lil bit of trouble understanding mentifery and its applications/weaknesses because if its the most purest and powerful form of reality warping i dont think alpha reality or omega should have any control over it if it encompasses all forms of logic rational or irritational meaning alpha and omega reality should be its applications not weaknesses
108 Votes in Poll