65 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
A new object, capable of operating like the glasses in freeguy, giving you an endless access to all fictional and mythological objects, and also superpowers in the form of “powerspheres” Which also gives full-recorded info on all of them, excluding omnipotence.
Hey guys, girls and people! I have been following this Fandom for some time and am very interested in a power and how it works. The name of this power is Personal Reality. So I have some questions that I would be very grateful if someone could answer. To aid understanding, I will use the terms "Outer Reality" (to define the outside reality, ie, the 'real life') and "Inner Reality" (to define the users' Personal Reality power).
1. I understand that it is possible to create anything you want in Inner Reality. But there are some things I'm having a hard time imagining. They are:
a) Is it possible to create an exact copy of our reality, with all historical events and cosmic events? At least changing a few events here and there in a subtle way. In other words, create an alternative reality to ours?
b) If the answer above is yes, then how is this determined? For example, will the users' nigh-omnipotent power use the information they have about certain events and facts or is the Inner Reality able and "omniscience" enough to create the exact copy of our reality allowing users to change as they please?
c) About the laws of physics or science in general. Like in the above question, are these laws determined by the knowledge of the user or the power itself?
d) Is it possible to change the passage of time? For example, to make time pass normally in Outer Reality (because this is not in the users' control, obviously), but inside Inner Reality time passes differently as if a day in real life is equivalent to 60 years in Inner Reality; is this possible?
2. Next is about transportation.
a) In Inner Reality it is possible to create what users want, right? So let's say users create a ring type with the supernatural ability to allow the wearer to be capable of telekinesis or any supernatural power. If the item in question were transported to Outer Reality (a reality in which this sort of thing doesn't exist, except for the users' power) would it still function as the users defined it in Inner Reality, or would it just be an ordinary ring?
b) This question is similar to the one above, but with a difference, instead of being an object being an entity. For example, users create an entity capable of fulfilling wishes or bestowing superpowers and normal skills, would that entity still have such power if transported to Outer Reality?
c) It is known that users are powerless or weaker in the Outer Reality. However, if users changed their bodies and/or physical and mental attributes in the Inner Reality (either through training or through their own powers), they would either return in the same way they entered the Inner Reality or they would return with the modifications mentioned above? The same goes for wounds and illnesses, users could heal themselves in Inner Reality and when they went back to Outer Reality would they still be hurt/sick or would they be healed just like in Inner Reality?
c) Alternatively, if users returned to Outer Reality with different clothes than they entered Inner Reality with, is this possible or not? Like, for example, users entered Inner Reality in a medic uniform, but returned to Outer Reality in medieval armor or High-Tech armor.
d) If users transported someone or some object from Outer reality to Inner Reality and changed something in that person/object, such as: bestowing superpowers to these people/objects; heal/restore wounds/damaged parts; alter such person or object physically and/or mentally. Would such changes be permanent and would they still work in Outer Reality just as they do in Inner Reality?
e) Can portals be created by users to transport things from one reality to another or for users to transport themselves? If so, can these portals remain open in Outer Reality indefinitely? And be as many sizes and forms as users want?
3. Is it possible to create other dimensions, realities and timelines within Inner Reality? In other words, create a multiverse or omniverse within Inner Reality? Or create several layers of reality, like layers of an onion; with each layer being a different reality?
4. Last questions.
a) If users died in Outer Reality what would happen to Inner Reality?
b) Alternatively, what would happen if users somehow had with them an object/entity/power that would take them to Inner Reality when they or their bodies died in Outer Reality? Could they or could they not return to the Outer Reality, when in that reality they died?
c) If users by chance forgot to give themselves the inability to die, would they still die in Inner Reality? Or automatically users cannot die in Inner Reality? The same goes for their ages, for example users entering Inner Reality at the age of 30 and coming back 15 years younger or older - depending on what they want - is it possible?
d) Following the reasoning of the questions in number '2.' if users had entities or objects capable of supernatural actions whether common or nigh-omnipotent in Outer Reality, they could, for example, change: past and present; give superpowers to thousands of human beings; clean up environmental pollution globally and bring extinct species back to life?
e) Technologies created by users (advanced technologies seen only in works of fiction, for example) in Inner Reality could work in the same way in Outer Reality?
f) Last question. If users studied or know everything that humanity from the Outer Reality know (through the Inner Reality, of course) would they still have the knowledge when they returned to the Outer Reality? This knowledge works similarly to the Omnilegence power.
Again, I'm grateful to anyone who can answer me. And I apologize for my English, it's not my native language. I'm using Google Translate to help me. Ah, and if you don't understand something I've described just tell me that I tend to explain it in other words, if I can.
As far as you could be awared of, I have recently created a new page named Selective Omniscience, the power to know everything about something. It's generally a form of Nigh Omniscience limited to one field of knowledge.
So, when I was creating it, I asked myself if Omnilegence, the power to know everything recorded, counts as Selective or Flawed Omniscience? Because it is mainly defined as possessing complete knowledge over everything recorded, which fits SO, but on the other hand, it includes a lot of knowledge within it. I am looking forward for your thoughts wheather Omnilegence is a variation of Nigh or Discriminatory Omniscience.