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Hello, everyone, let's talk about translation! If English is not your primary language, you may have tried to translate superpowers to experience its name in a different way. In my native language, in fact, it's really hard to translate powers because its grammatical structure takes away English simplicity.
However, this is mostly for manipulations. Such combinations of words as “Axiom Manipulation,” “Casualty Manipulation,” etc are being translated really poorly, however let's talk about Complete Arsenal. It's translated really fine and I started the whole discussion to show how beautiful it is.
I translate Complete Arsenal into Ukrainian as «Довершений Арсенал», which is pronounced like "Dovershenyi Arsenal". In fact, this isn't really accurate because the word "complete" is normally translated as "повний" (pronounced as "povnyi"), which literally means "full." However, my prior translation choice means more full in the sense as perfected, developed into sheer brilliance. I find it incredibly beautiful.
Nonetheless, here is a thing for you all. When we shorten Complete Arsenal to CA, «Довершений Арсенал» is shorten to «ДА» (the first letters if both words). And ironically, there is a word in Russian that is spelled exactly like this, which means "yes." So, when someone asks how many powers Ajumi posseses, you can say, “ДА” which means "yes" and at the same time it's a real abbreviation for Complete Arsenal in Ukrainian.
Novice when starts to read Medaka Box:
How many powers do Najumi possess?
We, intellectuals:
*"Yes" translated in Russian
*Abbreviation for CA in Ukrainian
I found this truly interesting, so that's why I shared it with you.
Omnilingualism - "User can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language, including computer codes, languages they have never been heard before, sign language (even lip-reading), illegible words, and backwards speech and writing with little or no training. The user may even communicate with non-human animals or read body language. This ability works by any one or more of these faculties."
Computer codes can be used to create programs. Mathematics is the language of the universe. Since computer codes are valid here does that not mean being able to manipulate stuff using math is possible? Can Mathematics Manipulation be one of the possible applications of Omnilingualism? Of course much more limited.
Hello! I am writing a character that is an high tech android, she has abilities that machines also have, like Holographic Projection and translator-based Omnilingualism, but there are some powers I don't know the name! If someone could awnser me I would be very grateful!
1) She can act as a Wi-Fi hotspot for her fellow teammates and herself
2) She has a mini 3D Printer on her tight that allows her to make medium things out of ABS plastic (the plastic used in 3D printers). It might sound kinda inutile but...Legos...Just saying.
This is all, thank you ^^