95 Votes in Poll
95 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
Like omnilock is existing outside of everything
Which Absolute or Omnipotent powers are inherently terrifying or can easily be made to be as such?
If totality is absolutely anything, everything, nothing (voids, nonexistent realms, etc) and all things, how could someone be outside/beyond it? Would they be in a sort of irrational totality ( I see the omniverse as rational infinity and totality as irrational infinity, but still with a rational part where beings that aren't outside or beyond it inhabit) or into the realm/Dimension or wherever the omnipotent entity resides?
Which type of Author Authority deserve
Any idea about other ability should be to Author Authority
33 Votes in Poll
142 Votes in Poll
105 Votes in Poll
So... Omnilock essentially now have it's limitations and I want your thoughts on this....
What power(s) do you think would be best and most suited to affecting Omnilock users? Please let me know.
91 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
Do you have to essentially be the Omnipotent Being to have Omnilock, or, in theory, could anyone have it? What would Omnilock be like to a human? Last question. Could the user allow something to affect them since they are not inherently superior/transcendent to everything? I'm just trying to understand this power better, since it is the "ultimate defensive ability".
111 Votes in Poll
108 Votes in Poll