Could you use Telepathic PSI Abilities like mind manipulation or neuro-psychic manipulation can induce pain or pleasure?
Could you use Telepathic PSI Abilities like mind manipulation or neuro-psychic manipulation can induce pain or pleasure?
40 Votes in Poll
Common powers:
Accuracy calling
Animal manipulation
Blood clotting
Electronic disruption
Fear aura
Flash bang generation
Flash precognition
Gravity manipulation
Hallucination inducement
Individual detection
Jolt inducement
Location displacement
Memory erasure
Mental shield construction
Object calling
Pain inducement
Pain suppression
Psionic healing
Psychic light generation
Psychic limb generation
Psychic probability manipulation
Psychic scanning
Psychic shadow
Reiteration inducement
Sonic scream
Tracking evasion
Vocal mind control
I am just curious. I've been collecting ideas so I can learn how superpowers can be used to mentally torture the target, and mess with their perception of reality.
I wonder is it possible to die because of stress? Like, it is possible to die from pain not by damaging but some kind of psychic torture? Or is it possible to die due not resting and working hard for long time? I've first thought about it is user of Supernatural Regeneration is constantly tortured and recovered, would it be possible to die by not enduring stress rather than pain alone?