So, while thinking and chilling around the crib, i thought of something.
If Universe < Multiverse < Megaverse < Omniverse
Then we can assume every single verse resides inside the Omniverse right?
So here’s a couple of questions if the assumptions above are correct.
If within every single verse (Megaverse) there’s a omnipotent being (be it author or literal being)
Then what were to happen if they exited their verse? Would they loose their omnipotence and become nigh-omnipotent, or stay omnipotent?
What if another omnipotent (or nigh-omnipotent) being tried invading or destroy (even killing) another verse for another being?
Is it possible for other beings from other verses from freely enter someone else’s verse?
If so would that create a omnipotent paradox where there’s more then 1 omnipotent being inside a verse? Or would the original omnipotent being retain his power and the others loose it?
Thanks for answering all the questions (or some) if you can!
P.S This is quite a interesting couple of (4) questions isn’t it :P?