Name: Simon Sunwolf
Vigilante Name: Schneider
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good/Chaotic Neutral(It depends)
Age,Gender: 20/Male
(Normal mode)
(Battle mode)
-He is a genius college student and a part-timer at a grocery.
-Lives at a decent apartment .
-A wanted vigilante because he killed some of his enemies.
Reason: some of them hiding in plain sight and some of them are SS-class hero.
-He moves like Batman (hiding in plain sight nobody expect him to be the vigilante)
-He looks kind, smart, and polite, but when he becomes Schneider his personality similar to Batman.
-Divine Darkness Manipulation
-Regenerative Healing Factor (Supernatural)
-Immortality by Respawning (99 life resets every month)
-Personal Rooms (similar in Fantasy Bishoujo)
°It has tv, console, fridge and cabinets with unlimited foods and drinks (it will stay fresh), beds, ac, pc, etc.
°In this room your body will be at prime state
°It also can be functioned as time chamber in dbz
°Also comes with bathroom
-Body Double: he can become Schneider when sleeping (similar to lookism). If he use it in personal rooms the Schneider will automatically spawn outside of the the room at place of choice.
-Immunity to Divine, Eldritch, and Demonic powers, but can be damaged by aura, magic, chakra, etc.( Doesn't mean it effective to him)
-Divine Combat
-Summon & Necromancy
-Anti-mind reading (he also can make fake thoughts, but sometimes as Schneider his mind sounds like every meme in internet combined.
Tragic Backstory:
-His best friend pulled a prank on him by pulling down his trousers in front of his classmates when he was in elementary school. (Betrayal)
-His dog got hit by drunk driver, the dog's body thrown into shredder. (Tragedy)
Real Backstory:
He is a 7th child of 11. From wealthy and strong family with loving parents and siblings. Everything changed when his family went to restaurant.
A rival group of one of his brother starts shooting at the restaurant from outside. Nobody's hurt, except him. He was fatally shot in the chest and died.
After that he woke up and found himself at the other side of the planet. He didn't remember about his family, but remember who he is. While enjoy his life as secret vigilante his family's still scarred by the death of one of their family members.