Heartz13·9/13/2024in GeneralIf Leylines are a supernatural source of planetary energy, what form of energy would it be?Esoteric Form of GeoelectricityEsoteric Form of Geothermal HeatEsoteric Form of Wind CurrentsMetaphysical Network of Energy (Like the Internet)Hidden Cords of Energy (Like Blood Vessels/Wires)Your Answer (Comment Below)Vote37 Votes in PollLey Line ManipulationPlanetary Energy Manipulation
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Heartless Frost·6/10/2022in GeneralTwo abilities, one singular power. Which of these would you start out with as a Metahuman? Part 65Cosmic Weather Manipulation: Weather+CosmicPlanetary Energy Manipulation: Energy+PlanetaryVote123 Votes in PollCosmic Weather ManipulationPlanetary Energy Manipulation