37 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
80 Votes in Poll
The Gaians are Planetary Entities (Type 1 Cosmological Entities of Planetary Scale) that personify the natural elemental energies of her world (both non-esoteric and mystical forces) as well as personification of the life essences of her world’s biosphere. All Gaias are born female (in the biological sense), although some have been known to transition into trans or non-binary when sapient life became more advanced. Only one "Gaia" can exist on a certain world, and they only can be born on and exist in "Gaian Realms"
The birth of a Gaia requires them to be born on a Gaian Realm and in order for a world to be a Gaian Realm, it has to have a biosphere (starting off as the potential for life) and leylines; veins of supernatural crystals under the planet that can siphon interdimensional energy when exposed to vast amounts of heat and electricity. Genesis Day is basically a Gaia’s birthday and the anniversary of when life first spawned on this planet.
The power and stability of a Gaia is dependent on her connection to the planet’s leylines & her life force is dependent on the existence of her biosphere. If either one is compromised, it could kill Gaia.
What would your Gaia look and be like (Name, Appearance, Personality and Powers) and what was her genesis day like.
Can’t the energies be restored by infusing more energy into it, The energy of planets are finite, But the energy of a star (sunlight) Is insanely more powerful, if the solar energy is extracted from space And converted into Spiritual energy using a special magical artifact, can those energies restore the planetary life force?
If life force energy can be converted into electricity by greedy corporations, Why can’t the reverse be possible?