Horrui: "Pop...?"
Pagani: "...Culchuur?"
Wren: "Ehehe. I am going all in. Pagani, I am going to do what you want and get serious. I am going beat you down and haul you and Horrui away...but after that, can we talk like old times?"
Pagani: "Sigh...Real professional of you...Sure, why not."
Horrui: "Ugh! Your comradery is making me sick. Shut up, you two, and die!"
Phase 2: Wren, Métier Modder of Pop Culture vs. Pagani, Bestowed MM of Ridificci Awareness vs., Horrui, MM of Swordsmanship
Theme: (Cyber Space 3-6) Enjoy this World
Horrui rushed at Wren with a sword attack.
Wren activated their Chosen Métier's Attack- Reference Aura.
Horrui: Oh! I can feel your CM activating! Give it to me!
Wren: "Magical Girl Ray!"
Horrui: "Uh! What?"
Wren created an aura around them, forming into a radiant lady that fired a beam at Horrui to push her back.
Pagani was stunned.
Horrui blocked the attack, but it pushed her right into the explosive wall again.
Wren shifted to Defense- Pop Glamour.
Pagani attacked with The Straight One at Wren but didn't move from his spot.
Horrui walked over to Pagani.
Horrui: "Hey. Are you going to attack? ...What's wrong with you?"
Wren: "He's fine. Just caught in an illusion of Back to The Future."
Horrui: "Illusion? Back to The Future?"
Wren: "Great Movie! I can put you in it too, if you like."
Horrui: "Nah! I prefer fighting in the real world."
Wren shifted their CM and OH to Attack.
Pagani was in an illusion where Marty McFly was hanging out with Doc Brown. He missed a turn.
Horrui shifted her OH to Attack.
Wren used Reference Aura- Cyber Punk Bomber- an attack where their aura changes into a cybernetic entity that lobs a grenade.
Pagani was still in the illusion. He missed his turn.
Horrui countered the attack with Combo: Power Dancing Assassin- She grabbed an energy sword and swung around with it and her OH while it generated a Power Wave. She hoped to deflect Wren's projectile.
Wren's grenade exploded and shocked Horrui.
Pagani missed his turn again.
Horrui kneeled to catch her breath.
Wren walked over to Pagani and removed his helmet.
Pagani missed his turn, and his eyes were nothing but tv static.
Wren: "Poor thing. My Defense Ability is too good against you."
Horrui attacked with Sword Shot at Pagani.
Wren pushed Pagani out of the way, and that broke the illusion.
Pagani: "Duh? What happened? Was I asleep?"
Horrui: "Wren put you in an illusion."
Pagani: "What's that?"
Horrui: "He put you asleep while still awake! Gah!"
Pagani: "Very sneaky, Wrenny."
Pagani attacked Wren with The Straight One.
Horrui charged at Wren with a Power Wave-infused OH.
Wren counterattacked with Reference Aura- Shonen Strike- their aura changed into fists with tattered ethereal bandages. It was super effective against Pagani, and Wren redirected him at Horrui.
Pagani land on Horrui's stomach, but he used The Quick One-Skip and Horrui as a platform.
Horrui was knocked back and almost hit the wall until she jammed her sword into the ground.
Wren used Combo: Truest Shonen Strike- An ethereal fist infused with the bond between them and Pagani. Pagani was sent flying straight through the wall and even took some explosions.
Wren: "Oh no! He got out."
Pagani: "Ouchie! That stung."
Pagani returned to the battlefield almost completely fine, thanks to supernatural durability. The barrier closed back up, thanks to Commander Scoop.
Pagani: "Alright, Wrenny. I am going show what's what."
Wren: "Pagani...you were outside the trap...you could've run away."
Pagani: "Huh? I could've. Oh, man!"
Wren: "What am I going to do with you?"
Horrui walked up behind and sliced Pagani in half.
Wren was consumed with absolute horror at the sight.
Pagani's two halves started to fall in their respective direction.
Horrui looked at Wren's face to see their reaction and the most likely response it would bring.
Wren was about to cry before noticing Pagani's body starting to flinch.
Pagani was still alive and was screaming at the fact that he was sliced in two.
Commander Scoop & Fulgoris: "AAAAAAAHHHAAAAA!"
Horrui stepped away before hitting the ground.
Wren was experiencing both joy and terror.
Pagani's halves had an ethereal glow at the cut section, and he pulled himself together.
Pagani: "Whoa! I am totally fine. I must have been using my Support Ability on myself so often that I could do it without thinking. Super Cool.
Wren: "Sniff...Paga...Sniff...Pagani-kun...Sniff...I am so glad you are OKAY...Sob!"
Pagani: "Hey! No crying on the job. Let's finish this and then you can cry all you want."
Wren: "Sniff...R-right!"
Horrui: "I am tired of you freaks."
Horrui attacked Pagani with her sword.
Wren ran to try to protect Pagani.
Pagani countered with The Strong One- Catapult- He grabbed Horrui with a transmuted arm and launched her out of the battlefield and straight into the air. She dropped both her OH and The Piece of Retroscience.
Horrui was flying up.
Wren was relieved as Pagani picked up The Piece.
Pagani attacked with The Straight One.
Horrui was starting to fall.
Wren countered with Reference Aura- Horror Hold - Their aura turned into a menacing creature and shrouded him in darkness. The sound of Pagani choking filled the air before the thing disappeared.
Pagani was knocked out.
Horrui crashed back to the battlefield.
Battle Complete: Wren Wins
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