Alright. Here's the game. You will have to tap the random page 3 times and whatever you got, you have that ability. I can tell if you're cheating by you "suddenly" getting an op ability. This won't be an ordinary "click the page 3 times" kind of game, this is one where you have to fight someone with those abilities and make up a good reasoning of why you won.
If you have any Omnipotence, Ultipotence, Metapotence you will instantly die in the match
Only 3 abilities, if you have 4 then you instantly lose
You don't get the applications of these abilities, just what it says in Capabilities.
Jack Em All isn't allowed in here mainly because he tries to be op ALL the time
This enemy will have Power Opposition but on a low degree, like for example if you choose fire manipulation, then the enemy will just have water generation.