Neosaiyan7·10/25/2023in GeneralWhich power is superior?Prescient ReflexesAdaptive MovementSpatial PerceptionAttack PredictionClear MindAbsolute ViolenceVote79 Votes in PollClear MindSpatial PerceptionEnhanced Violence/AbsolutePrescient Reflexes
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Tdklause0403·11/14/2022in GeneralIf a Alien Wizard created a device to change alien shapes and give them armor who woudl it be?OmnitrixKhaji Da/ScarabVote91 Votes in PollSpecies-ShiftingGenetic WeaponryHigh-Tech Alien ExoskeletonPrescient Reflexes
Tdklause0403·11/14/2022in GeneralWould you have…Genetic WeaponryPrescient ReflexesVote87 Votes in PollGenetic WeaponryPrescient Reflexes
NukeBoy231·7/29/2022in GeneralWhat if you have Prescient Reflexes. How would you master it and how would you use it. Prescient ReflexesSuperpower WikiWould you want this power in everyday life. Why or why notPrescient Reflexes