55 Votes in Poll
55 Votes in Poll
I've never been entirely sure about this. Why are Primordial Force Manipulation and Absolute Destruction described as the final forms of Omnificence and Absolute Destruction? If these are correct, would it mean that Primordial Nothingness Manipulation could be considered the final form of Absolute Erasure?
Also, in your opinion, what actually are the primordial and apocalyptic forces? Why does control over the primordial force seem to grant control over everything?
167 Votes in Poll
Absolute Nothingness is the ultimate reality that underlies, encompasses, denies and destroys everything that exists. It is not a mere presence or affirmation of being, nor a mere absence or negation of being, but a negative and dynamic state of infinite potentiality, creativity, futility and emptiness. It is not a fluid and flexible process of constant change and transformation, nor a static and fixed entity, but a paradoxical and mysterious state that transcends any form or mode of existence. It is not a concrete and significant reality that manifests itself in various ways, nor an abstract and meaningless concept, but an ineffable and mysterious reality that negates and manifest itself in everything. It is the source, the goal, the obstacle, and the threat of all existence and non-existence, all truth and falsity, all certainty and doubt, all sign and meaning, all sound and silence, all number and quantity, all knowledge and cognition, all faith and spirituality, all morality and responsibility, all expression and communication, all beauty and harmony, all wisdom and enlightenment. It is the cause and the result, the origin and the end of all creation and destruction, all order and chaos, all harmony and conflict, all unity and diversity, all identity and difference, all presence and absence, all affirmation and negation. It is neither compatible nor opposed to anything or everything, neither different nor identical to anything or everything. It negates and transcends anything and everything. It cannot be fully known or understood by human cognition, nor can it be fully expressed or communicated by human language. It can only be partially experienced or realized by transcending the limitations of human senses and reason, human symbols and systems. It is paradoxical, ineffable, mysterious. It confirms and challenges us to question our assumptions and beliefs about reality and ourselves. It invites us to explore new possibilities and perspectives in the world. It inspires us to create our own meaning and values in life. It helps us to transcend our conflicts and limitations in ourselves. It is everything and nothing. It is everything in itself, but nothing in relation to itself. It is everything as such, but nothing as such. It is everything at all, but nothing at all.
The Logic of Absolute Nothingness - JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/44362093
Nothing - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing
The Void (philosophy) - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Void_%28philosophy%29
The Kyoto School and Sound Art : A Nothingness of the Absolute. https://online.ucpress.edu/res/article/4/1/69/195805/The-Kyoto-School-and-Sound-ArtA-Nothingness-of-the
Religion and Nothingness - Keiji Nishitani - Google Books. https://books.google.com/books/about/Religion_and_Nothingness.html?id=PaIwDwAAQBAJ
Is the statement "Nothing is absolute" a contradiction?. https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/36168/is-the-statement-nothing-is-absolute-a-contradiction
The 4 fundamental meanings of "nothing" in science - Big Think. https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/4-meanings-nothing/
The nature of nothingness | New Scientist. https://www.newscientist.com/round-up/nothingness/
Hypothesis of Nothingness. http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.astronomy.20211002.02.html
FROM ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS TO SUNYATA - The Kyoto School of Philosophy. https://thekyotoschoolofphilosophy.wordpress.com/from-absolute-nothingness-to-sunyata/
Absolute Nothingness - Trinity College Dublin. http://www.tara.tcd.ie/bitstream/handle/2262/98069/Roddy%20Absolute%20Nothingness%20Sound%20Art%202017.pdf?sequence=1
Religion and Nothingness - University of California Press. https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520049468/religion-and-nothingness
Mahāyāna Emptiness or « Absolute Nothingness - Érudit. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/theologi/2012-v20-n1-2-theologi0851/1018863ar/
The Problem of Nothingness: Early Modern Literature, Science, and the .... https://dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace/handle/10161/16365
What Is Absolute Music: A Complete Guide - Hello Music Theory. https://hellomusictheory.com/learn/absolute-music/
Zero: the mind-bendy math behind it, explained - Vox. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/7/5/17500782/zero-number-math-explained
Nothingness: Mathematics starts with an empty set. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228390-600-nothingness-mathematics-starts-with-an-empty-set/
The Absolute Nothingness of Music History. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/event-of-music-history/absolute-nothingness-of-music-history/70AC9B329052FD01CD14F58E07CCEBD4
Metaphysics of Absolute Nothingness - first draft - Academia.edu.
‘Void’ dives into physics of nothingness - Science News. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/void-dives-physics-nothingness
The Four Scientific Meanings Of 'Nothing' - Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2018/01/31/the-four-scientific-meanings-of-nothing/
Can Quantum Mechanics Produce a Universe from Nothing? https://apologeticspress.org/can-quantum-mechanics-produce-a-universe-from-nothing-4584/
Nihilism: The Belief in Nothing - Medium. https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/nihilism-the-belief-in-nothing-9d7f79937f74
Nothingness-qua-Love?: The Implications of Absolute Nothingness for Ethics. https://brill.com/abstract/book/edcoll/9789401204620/B9789401204620-s010.xml?language=en
vision - What would absolute nothingness look like? - Worldbuilding .... https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/196660/what-would-absolute-nothingness-look-like
Extra informations: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781800101166.004
135 Votes in Poll
128 Votes in Poll
110 Votes in Poll
Seven Gates appeared on Earth due to a Goddess named Ithronel Y’llamenor. Her intentions are unclear, nobody knows what lies behind the gates and no one knows where Ithronel disappeared to afterwards. Now, the Gates have opened, and they call to the people who have been chosen. You are among those people. The Gate you choose will determine your power.
(Note - Ithronel is unbeatable, for now, she has Type 4-5 Nigh Omnipotence. She’s kind of like “The Final Boss.” You have potential to become even stronger as you master your powers, if you can survive what lies within the Gates.)
Which Gate do you choose to enter and why? Will you learn the hidden secrets within, or are you just after glory?
The Seven Gates -
1: Gate of the Battle King - Combat Embodiment
2: Gate of the Spirit Sovereign - Spiritual Perfection
3: Gate of the True Monarch - Divine Magic
4: Gate of the Profound Saint - Imaginative Condition
5: Gate of the Ancient Demon - Nether Manipulation
6: Gate of the Void Halo - Primordial Nothingness Manipulation
7: Gate of the Emperor - Archangel Physiology
-Character sheet if anyone wants to do it-
What Gate did you Choose:
Extra Info:
98 Votes in Poll
68 Votes in Poll
171 Votes in Poll