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84 Votes in Poll
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146 Votes in Poll
Like what exactly is the power to not be fazed by Telekinesis.
EDIT: Nvm I found it.
Hey, I just got an idea. We know Psychic Immunity protects from all possible forms of Telepathy and users' mind can't be accessed/interacted with by any ways. However, I just thought that Neural Impulse Manipulation would be able to project such impulses that would be able to cause Illusions, control motor-skills, disort reflexes and so on. Would this power be able to affect users of Psychic Immunity physically instead of psionically? Because it seems to me PI isn't that powerful to filter neural impulses and completely trusts them.
Recently, I came up with an idea how to remove PI's limitation that it completely prevents any form of telepathetic communication. I think if user of Psychic Immunity had Mind Reading and Telepathic Speaking, it would be able to percieve thoughts of others and project its own in its mind, effectively communicating. The difference here is that one speaker is completely private while the second one is a little bit vulnerable due the whole conversation happening in its mind. Additionally, Psychic Conversation cannot occur between two users of PI.
What do you think about this way to cheat the limitation?
Psychic Immunity page says it completely prevents its user from telepathetic communication. Is it an unbreakable rule or is that a case where user of Psychic Immunity could let someone read their mind? Or would that be Psychic Shield?