You in a world where some people are born with the ability to transform into non godlike superpowered fictional characters these people are called elites. The type of superpowered characters people can become have been divided into 10(may miscounted) classifications each with their own strength and weaknesses. You are an elite and have sent to a school meant to train elites to become superheroes
With training an the power an elite can out grow their character
When an elite changes into their character form whatever outfit they were wearing transforms into a version of itself that fits and match’s the character they become and will also speak like that character
When an elite transforms for the first time they will gain faint memories of that characters life however obtain none of experience of how to use their power(with the exception of weapon bearers who will gain some experience on how to use their weapon
An elite can only change into one fictional character and not any other
The classifications for elites in this world along their weaknesses and some examples of characters that fit the classifications):
Prehensility: elites who can turn into characters with elasticity based powers or shapeshifting abilities(example mystique elastigirl mr fantastic) versatile but hard to get a handle one with training: prehensility elites may achieve abilities such self duplication conversion liquid mimicry gas mimicry or potentially others
Elemental: elites who can turn into characters with elemental powers(example toph subzero human torch) powerful but hard to control with training elemental elites can potentially manipulate other elements through their own elements through they can’t control the weapons and machinery of cybers or weapons bearers even if their made from the element they manipulate
Neuron: elites who can turn into psychic or telekinetic characters(example Jean grey silver the hedgehog professor x) versatile but extended use can cause headaches with training: neuron elites can perform feat such as altering size and dimension travel
Weapon bearer: elites who can turn into characters who aren’t physically superpowered but relay on gadgets and weapons(side note while these characters aren’t actually superhuman elites who can turn into them will have the ability to manifest their weapons and gadgets out of nothing(example sally acorn post super genesis wave Batman Hawkeye) starts off weak but becomes a bit more powerful with time with training: their weapon may gain become mystically empowerment or have a technological upgrade
Enhanced skill( elite who can turn into characters with enhanced/supernatural physical capabilities(captain America knuckles the echidna mr incredibles) a bit simple but with training becomes better with training: enhanced skill elites can potentially obtain absolute physical capabilities
Beyond( elites who can turn into characters with immense potential and power(example sonic the hedgehog hulk deku) extremely powerful but extremely hard to control with training: beyond elites can potentially gain the power to achieve godhood for brief moments(but can’t alter how long this godhood lasts)(side note this not include characters with reality bending or wish granting powers just super-powered beings with the potential to be immensely powerful)
Beast(elites who can turn into characters with animal based abilities or who animals with human features(example Judy hopps spiderman tigress) useful but causes the elite to sometimes act like an animal with training: beast elites can potentially turn into hybrids or mythical versions of their character
Cyber( elites who can turn into characters with technological abilities or cybernetic physiologies(example cyborg bunnie rabbot optimus prime) effective but needs a lot of intelligence and focus to use properly with training: cyber elites may gain technomagic based upgrades to their machinery
Spiritual( elites who can turn into characters with ghost based or chi based abilities(example po Danny phantom ranma) versatile but extended use can temporary insanity with training: spiritual elites may become more demonic/eldritch and powerful version of themselves
Recovery( elites who can turn into characters with healing/regenerative abilities)example: Julieta madrigal mercy Aerith) with training: may become immortal be able to provide a immense but temporary boost to the ability of others
An elite cannot turn into a character who has godlike abilities and limitless power or reality bending and wish granting
After the first few transformation into their character a side effect will begin to occur their will be small chance that instead of simply changing back the elite will split into two beings 1 being their original self and the other a clone of the character they were these clones are called replicates they have the same powers and abilities as their character along their memories personality and mannerisms though they will already know they are a clone and that the world they come from is fictional and also they have the same skill level in using their abilities as the elite they were spawned from the elite will retain the ability to transform into their character and at will(side not if the elite is a weapon bearer than the character will be able to manifest their weapons too)
An elites power to transform cannot be taken away by other elites or replicates
Which classifications are you what character do you have what does your dorm look and what kind of stuff do you have in it what your hero name and how would you rate each classification