94 Votes in Poll
94 Votes in Poll
54 Votes in Poll
76 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
So about Selective Transcendence and Absolute Transcendence if they both Co-exist together, can selective Transcendence achieve Absolute Transcendence? When there already one?
So, I was thinking of a way to obtain Indeterminacy without something like Eternal Transcendence and so I immediately thought of Selective Transcendence and thought that was too op to start with so now I'm at Self Transcendence and I'm wondering how tf does this power work? Do they need some kind of stimulation to initiate the transcendence or can they just instantly do it kind of like Eternal Evolution or Eternal Transcendence. Going by the capabilities I interpreted it as a Limitation Transcendence but actively choosing when it happens so they could fight two beings of the same power but only choose to transcend when fighting the second one as opposed to instantly transcending when fighting the first. As well as the existential factor. I also see under the aka it's called "Ascending/Transcending Potential" meaning they could increase their potential as well from Enhanced to Supernatural and finally Absolute.
Assuming my interpretation of it is correct basically Selective Limitation Transcendence which would also mean it makes sense why Selective Transcendence is perfect version since it allows the user to control their personal boundaries, transcendence, hierarchy as well as limitations but the Self Transcendence user could arguably just transcend that limitation tho and get Selective Transcendence. Anyways now back to the post I want a way to get to Indeterminacy without being boring and just snapping my fingers but also having an adaptive power like Superior Adaptation or Eternal Evolution wouldn't be enjoyable.
I was thinking of going the Freedom route as after I am liberated from everything I'd be beyond all scaling and definition but that's its own route, so I ruled it out. So, if my interpretation of Self Transcendence was wrong then it could possibly work. Limitation Transcendence is an option if I start at the low level, but I have to be a viable species like a vampire or anything with some hardcore limitations.
I'm basically asking how would one work their way up to Indeterminacy? (Obviously Irrational is off the charts) It's obviously going to have to be some transcendence powers I was going with Rule Transcendence being the preceding power before they transcend all definitions and scales. I guess Eternal Transcendence would be the best, but it would also be boring since I don't have to do anything simply exist. If anyone has any idea, please share the more it challenges me the better (as long as it's possible to reach the end goal of Indeterminacy I'll make it.)
150 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
158 Votes in Poll
If you gave a normal person selective transcendence or any transcendent power, would they even know how to use it or at least how to not get themselves killed? Of course, if they get instinctive knowledge and control they could use it easily, but what if they didn't?
We can't sense boundaries and don't have knowledge of how to sense boundaries, so they would have to go in blind and go from there listing the boundary's effects on them, at least the effects they can feel, they would be lucky to not kill themselves or make themselves insane, like randomly changing integers on a game trying to learn what they do without crashing the game or making it go haywire.
This is my theory on what would happen, I want a second opinion on this.
What if a person with SELECTIVE TRANSCENDS wanted to achieve METAPOTENCE
What would they transcend to achieve Metapotence
142 Votes in Poll
153 Votes in Poll
If you were given the opportunity to transcend everything in existence, every transcendence power on this wiki, would you do it?
96 Votes in Poll