44 Votes in Poll
85 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
If someone has the power singularity and replication, could they still replicate/clone themselves?
69 Votes in Poll
104 Votes in Poll
Is there such a thing as meta-singularity someone cannot be copied and is the only on not just their powers but them as a whole they’re not immune to powers but they can’t be can’t be copied and are completely unique?
43 Votes in Poll
The user is an anomalous entity of reality, a broken rule beyond all understanding of the world, a singularity. The rules of logic are merely ignored, the fabric of reality ripped and torn to pieces. The user's body and mind are warped through this ability, making their physical attributes of an unreachable magnitude, and their body completely unstoppable and uncontrollable, as they can't be manipulated by anybody.
I think that this ability relates to pride as it is the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself. Therefore, I decided to make the user a singularity, as they regard themselves as completely unique. They cannot be tied down by any rules because they think that they are above them, making them free. Lastly, the user has physical attributes of an unreachable magnitude because they think that nobody can compare to them, making them the strongest of all.
Hey y’all!, so I’ve been thinking about the power (psionic magic) and how there’s all these absolute or almighty versions of other combo powers of like science-magic ascendency or cosmic energy-magic energy mixed etc... but yet psionic magic gets such a bad rep but all the characters tied to that power have committed actual feats beyond with that power (I.e Bonnie Bennett or willow rosenberg) so would it be cool to like add either more feats to the power or make an ascended version of it?
If there's a singular absolutely unique user,
Can an user of Omnifarious shapefift into it
Or can an user if almighty Remaking remake themselves so to copy it?!
A person with Complete Arsenal has all the powers we can think of. That means they would have this power which I will call Singular Power." This power would make it so all your powers have singularity and are the only one in the omniverse. Like how omni-creator is a power that there is only one of. This power along with the rest of complete arsenal would make it so the user has all the powers and is the only one who has powers in the omniverse. Thus removing powers from any other character. However characters like captain america or wonderwoman can obviously still use their powers. Is there any explanation for why this power doesn't work you guys can give? Or did I make a mistake in my analysis?