I asked others and they said no lmao
60 Votes in Poll
111 Votes in Poll
120 Votes in Poll
And be able manipulate the space-time continuum?
Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi
アンジュリーゼ 斑鳩ミスルギ
Tusk The Ancient Human
EM-CBX007 Villkiss Final Battle Variant Ragna Mails
EM-CBX007 ヴィルキス 最終決戦仕様 ラグナメイル
Salamandinay Salako
サラマンディーネ サラコ
Dragon Girl
The Prototype Type-0 Enryugo Ryushinki
The Prototype Type-0 焔龍號 龍神器
Hildegard Schlievogt
ヒルデガルトシュリーフォー クト
EM-CBX004 Theodra Michael Mode Ragna Mails
EM-CBX004 テオドーラマイケルモードラグナメイル
Salia Tereshkova
EM-CBX002 Cleopatra Ariel Mode Ragna Mails
EM-CBX002 クレオパトラアリエルモードラグナメイル
Momoka Oginome
Childhood Friend Of Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi
子供時代 友達のアンゼリーゼ 斑鳩ミスルギ
Lord Embryo
EM-CBX001 Hysterica Ragna Mails
神兽金刚 神獸金剛 기가트라이브 ริวจิไฟว์
Cross Ange S2 Cross Devil Revenge Of The Satan
クロスアンジュS2 クロスデビル復讐のサタン
@Jordan isle @Jasonso9 @Peakks @Xanadu1 @2964artworld @Fusion D King @Gamefame 2014 @Abdalla1234 @Lardward356 @LardWad420 @MillionWonder @Fandom @FANDOM
Episode 1 Fallen Princess
第1話 堕とされた皇女
Episode 25 End Of The Time Also Beyond Time
第25話 時の彼方で
Cross Ange Rondo Of The Angel And Dragon
Project Ange
So let's say that there are 4 timelines, with the first timeline being considered the prime timeline. If a character is in the future and needs to get from timeline 4 to the prime timeline from a nexus point in the past without entering the other 2 timelines how would they do that? They have complete control over Space-Time and can time travel; would they need to travel to that nexus point and go from there, or could they just enter the other timeline from the future by looking into the alternate ones?
62 Votes in Poll
59 Votes in Poll
So I'm sure many of you users have stumbled upon the page Eternal Existence/Embodiment. but how many of you know what it truly is? Being without Beginning or End, Beginningless and Endlessness, sure that's the summary of it, but what is that exactly? Three words; Is, Was & to be. In other words, there is no period in time that you weren't present, the nature of time does not apply to you. Meaning you're Never changing, you are constant, without change, without limit, without time, without flaw.
Now The opposite of Eternity or What Is not Eternity?
Time, the answer is time, "Where there is a beginning there is also an End". The Start of Something to its very end, and in between You have change, the difference between the two is one is without Limit (Eternity) and one that is Finite(Time), now highlighting the Key Fundamentals: Time, beginning, and change. all these are of finitude why? there are many ways to answer this and here's one, Measure. you can grasp it, hold it, see its end and its beginning, it's change. from one period to another over Time, in essence, It is not constant, and arguably it could never be constant. So, time is the parameters of finitude, beginning and End, up and down, In and out and all of this as well sparks the light of change and measurement.
Beyond Time, Beyond Existence, Beyond Beginning or End are all Things Endless, Changeless, and Constant. That is ETERNITY which is Greater than Time and that's why I also believe that Eternity is the source of Infinity and Unending. I mean What else could it be? surely not time as it has a beginning and an End, it's neither space, nor existence, nor change. Additionally, since space and time are Intertwined They both are of the same faces. All things Finitude.
{any preguntas, remarks, outbursts, feel free to comment}
228 Votes in Poll
Known as the “Final Form” of Absolute Destruction/Chaos. When this power is activated, catastrophic destruction and energy this will expunge everything from existence and when these energy waves wake, once stars, planets, galaxies, universes, even Space-Time itself is consigned to absolute oblivion.
Id say if your a pretty big Devil May Cry fan then this is the Overwhelming Absolute Power you could ever hope for.
What are some creative ways to use Space-Time Manipulation and Meta Space-Time Manipulation? It could be during battle, practical use, everyday life, exploring, travel, skill, et cetera. I just want to get some cool ideas on how to use it in different ways. :)
You get these powers and are trapped in one of the following franchises.
SCP Foundation
Warhammer 40,000
Xeelee Sequence
Cthulhu Mythos
Creepypasta Mythos
The powers you receive:
Acid manipulation
Ash manipulation
Classical element manipulation
Color manipulation
Cosmic manipulation
Crystal manipulation
Data manipulation
Dimensional manipulation
Dimensional travel
Disease manipulation
Dust manipulation
Earth generation
Electromagnetism manipulation
Enhanced condition
Fire constructs
Fire generation
Fire wing manifestation
Force-field generation
Gravity manipulation
Heat vision
Ice generation
Ice manipulation
Kinetic energy manipulation
Laser manipulation
Life and death manipulation
Magma manipulation
Matter creation
Matter manipulation
Mental manipulation
Metal manipulation
Mind control
Nature manipulation
Nothingness manipulation
Object creation
Oil manipulation
Particle manipulation
Phenomenon inducement
Pheromone manipulation
Plant manipulation
Poison manipulation
Portal creation
Property manipulation
Radiation generation
Radiation manipulation
Reality warping
Regenerative healing factor
Rotational energy manipulation
Sand manipulation
Slime manipulation
Smoke manipulation
Solar and lunar manipulation
Soul manipulation
Sound manipulation
Space-time manipulation
Technology manipulation
Tendril generation
Thermal manipulation
Twilight manipulation
Vibration manipulation
Water generation
Weather manipulation
Wind generation
Imagine an Male alien Character made an wish at age 14 to never be treatment like a little kid no matter what, it was great at first, but then at age 22, he got into an space car accident that turn him into an idiot, but because of the wish he made as a teenager, everyone still treat him like an adult, which cause trouble for him. won't that make a great story or what?
You see a figure in the distance dressed in a white hoodie, black skinny jeans. Even though your good distance away, (im terrible at judging distance using meters) you can see the haunting pale white face of Jeff the Killer. Who begins running towards you at high speed
Your task?
Survive 365 days in a world where ALL Creepypastas exist.
You have been given the following powers to survive, yet you heavily lack experience using them (for obvious reasons)
Biological manipulation
Chemistry manipulation
Chaos manipulation
Classical element manipulation
Emotion manipulation
Environment manipulation
Fundamental forces manipulation
Illusion manipulation
Life and death manipulation
Matter state manipulation
Mental manipulation
Nature manipulation
Order manipulation
Physics manipulation
Portal creation
Probability manipulation
Quantum manipulation
Reality warping
Regenerative healing factor
Sense manipulation
Solar and lunar manipulation
Space-time manipulation
Technology manipulation
Thermal manipulation
Twilight manipulation
115 Votes in Poll
94 Votes in Poll
What would be an best super power for someone who like star gazing?
Embryo Hysterica Ragna Mails
Very Bad Guy
Evil Human Is Mana People
@Guybrush @Godzillafan93 @Ochristi @Jordan isle @Spidermanfan1945 @Fandom @FANDOM