Please tell me what new species would you make.
48 Votes in Poll
Please tell me what new species would you make.
What kind of fantasy race would you make?
You discovered a strange a top hat with a glowing red question mark on top of it in your house. When you try to pick it up it vanishes and a mischievous floating mystical genie like being called the mystery magician who offers to to grant you one wish(he also tells you it cant be for omnipotence or unlimited power) but what he doesn't tell is that he will grant the wish by changing into custom monster species with powers and weaknesses themed around said wish once the transformation is done more of said monster species will be spawned into the world(side note if you come across any of the natural born members of your species they will treat you like royalty) and you will also be given the ability to convert others into members of the species also any memories of not being this new monster will be temporarily erased though you will retain your skills your ability understand human speech and knowledge of human society the only thing you will know besides that is what you are and are the ruler your species. you will also natural instincts that cause you act a certain though you will retain your original personality and after a year your original memories will come back(side note when your memories are erased and brought back so are everyone memories of the original you)
Reply to this post with a wish(cant be any transcendence meta omni or unlimited power with no downsides) and I have make a monster species based on that then you tell what you would do with the power how would react when your memories are returned and how you would have your race interact with humanity
I need help naming a species that is worms and has space manipulation
You were going about your day when you 2 top hats one had a glowing Wi-Fi symbol on top while the other had a glowing question mark on top when you try to touch either of them you they suddenly disappear and in their place are two floating genie like beings called the media and mystery magicians who offer to grant you a wish through transforming you into something that grants the wish. the media magician has the power to turn people into fictional beings fuse worlds together while the mystery magician has the power to turn people into humanoid monster and create entire species. they will grant your wish through combination of their power they will get a fictional character whom transforming into will grant the wish and create a monster species of that character then transform into said monster and then give the power to convert any one into member of that species they also make it so the more people know about said species the more your world will begin to change(monster species based of other characters of the same franchise will began to appear)
Reply to this post with a wish(cant be to become a specific character and wish for omni transcendence meta or reality bending) and I to make monster species based off a character related to the wish and then you tell how you would react what you would say what you would do and how it would change your life
You discovered a strange a top hat with a glowing red question mark on top of it in your house. When you try to pick it up it vanishes and a mischievous floating mystical genie like being called the mystery magician who offers to to grant you one wish(he also tells you it cant be for omnipotence or unlimited power) but what he doesn't tell is that he will grant the wish by changing into custom monster species with powers and weaknesses themed around said wish once the transformation is done more of said monster species will be spawned into the world and you will also be given the ability to convert others into members of the species and be given a small pack or coven of that monster species which you have the responsibility of caring for and He will try to twist the wish so that you get the opposite of what you ask for
Reply to this post with a wish(cant be any transcendence meta omni or unlimited power with no downsides or for superpowers directly) and I have make a monster species based on that then you tell how you react what you do and how you take care of your pack
You discovered a strange a top hat with a glowing red question mark on top of it in your house. When you try to pick it up it vanishes and a mischievous floating mystical genie like being called the mystery magician who offers to to grant you one wish(he also tells you it cant be for omnipotence or unlimited power) but what he doesn't tell is that he will grant the wish by changing into custom monster species with powers and weaknesses themed around said wish once the transformation is done more of said monster species will be spawned into the world and you will also be given the ability to convert others into members of the species and be given a small pack or coven of that monster species which you have the responsibility of caring for
Reply to this post with a wish(cant be any transcendence meta omni or unlimited power with no downsides) and I have make a monster species based on that then you tell how you react and what you do
You have woken up in a strange world where there exists humanoid species with 2 superpowers naturally you are one these creatures but you are one of the few that have 3 because of either birth mutation or maybe something else humans in this also have been known to have their own people with these strange powers
Where you is complicated you are in one of six alternate realities created during an event that happened in your original world involving an attempt by inventors create a machine that would bend reality to humanities will and also evolve humans to a point in which food water sleep air and warmth would not be required along with removing injury and sickness but things when wrong and now all life on earth has been separated into six different worlds each evolved a certain way and superhuman abilities along with having been transformed into strange humanoid creatures
Some have been able to keep their memories of what the world once was if they chose to share these memories with any one than the person will start to regain memories too any any one who can change from their altered form to their original human form and back instantly these people are called oracles if they continue sharing their memories the barriers between the worlds will weaken and they will began to share a universe once again allowing travel between them also it wont cause any damage and also any structures place or objects will start appear
A fantasy medieval realm where magic and sorcery are embedded as apart the world and mythological being are common
A futuristic sci fi world where earth is the center of intergalactic alliance that employs aliens and humans alike to become superheroes(joining the alliance allows your planet to gain access to all technology the other planets have) each alien species having its own powers and weaknesses
An mostly ocean covered planet of a world where humans and descendants humans cursed with body changing effects live out a pirate fantasy
A fantasy anime slice of school set up in which the world function pretty like an anime and supernatural beings are common place
An Artificial paradise where you fight against others for the entertainment of the rich as a genetically altered lower class human(either by choice to have their families fed by the creators of the paradise or kidnapped and forced to participate) who’s species has long forgotten their human origins
A seemingly regular version of earth hiding supernatural secrets as a elemental monsters in hiding
Tell me which universe your in and chose one of the following ways to do this challenge: 1(I give you 2 natural powers and one unique to you 2(I give you the power unique to you and come up with 2 related natural ones ones for your species) 3(I give 2 related powers and you come up with a power unique to you) 4( I have come up with species itself appearance name features and abilities) after that with the exception of number you than make form your species name appearance and features from that information and then tell what's your species culture and what are you gonna do
You have woken up in a strange world where there exists humanoid species with 2 superpowers naturally you are one these creatures but you are one of the few that have 3 because of either birth mutation or maybe something else humans in this also have been known to have their own people with these strange powers
Where you is complicated you are in one of six alternate realities created during an event that happened in your original world involving an attempt by inventors create a machine that would bend reality to humanities will and also evolve humans to a point in which food water sleep air and warmth would not be required along with removing injury and sickness but things when wrong and now all life on earth has been separated into six different worlds each evolved a certain way and superhuman abilities along with having been transformed into strange humanoid creatures
Some have been able to keep their memories of what the world once was if they chose to share these memories with any one than the person will start to regain memories too any any one who can change from their altered form to their original human form and back instantly these people are called oracles if they continue sharing their memories the barriers between the worlds will weaken and they will began to share a universe once again allowing travel between them also it wont cause any damage and also any structures place or objects will start appear
A fantasy medieval realm where magic and sorcery are embedded as apart the world and mythological being are common
A futuristic sci fi world where earth is the center of intergalactic alliance that employs aliens and humans alike to become superheroes(joining the alliance allows your planet to gain access to all technology the other planets have) each alien species having its own powers and weaknesses
An mostly ocean covered planet of a world where humans and descendants humans cursed with body changing effects live out a pirate fantasy
A fantasy anime slice of school set up in which the world function pretty like an anime and supernatural beings are common place
An Artificial paradise where you fight against others for the entertainment of the rich as a genetically altered lower class human(either by choice to have their families fed by the creators of the paradise or kidnapped and forced to participate) who’s species has long forgotten their human origins
A seemingly regular version of earth hiding supernatural secrets as a elemental monsters in hiding
Get 1 random than a power similar to that one than get another similar power that is superior to the first 2 then tell how you react what you would look like what species you are what's your species culture how much has your changed because of this what you do with your new life or if you had already a species from last poll you can use that Random page in category
your in a world where humanoid monsters co-exist with humanity after coming to an agreement where the monsters use their abilities to help society and humans would give the monsters access to their technology and sorcery. Some monster species were even made by humans or formerly humans who became monsters. A school that trains the different species to become superheroes was built and you have gone to the school
Choose a monster physiology you would want from the mythological mimicry category (you can get there with the link above)(no choosing any transcendence or godlike creatures) then give me the name I have to come up with a set of powers and weaknesses for that monster type and then you tell what your gonna do with that power how your going to train it and what your species culture is
your in a world where humanoid monsters co-exist with humanity after coming to an agreement where the monsters use their abilities to help society and humans would give the monsters access to their technology and sorcery. Some monster species were even made by humans or formerly humans who became monsters. A school that trains the different species to become superheroes was built and you have gone to the school
Get a random power from the mythological mimicry category (you can get there with the link above just type mythological mimicry into the slot then give me the name I have to come up with a set of powers and weaknesses for that monster type and then you tell what your gonna do with that power how your going to train it and what your species culture is
your in a world where humanoid monsters co-exist with humanity after coming to an agreement where the monsters use their abilities to help society and humans would give the monsters access to their technology and sorcery. Some monster species were even made by humans or formerly humans who became monsters. A school that trains the different species to become superheroes was built and you have gone to the school not only that but some monster species have started to breed with other species and form entire subspecies with their own powers and weaknesses (side note evolution is sorta magically charged in this world it occurs at a faster rate and also works a lot differently)
Give me the names of 2 existing mythical monsters or mythical monster name and a human and I have to come up with a set of powers and weaknesses for that Hybrid Subspecies and then you tell what your gonna do with that power how your going to train it and what your species culture is
You are given the choice to have two random powers one can be elemental/energy/psychic/cosmic/plant while the other can be mammal/insect/avian/reptile/fish based but getting these abilities turns into a humanoid monster and the leader of new species
Get 2 random powers tell how they combine into your monster form tell how you react to your monster form and species
Heres a list of categories for the first one
Elemental powers
Energy based powers
Psychic powers
Cosmic based powers
Plant based powers
And a list for the second one
Mammal mimicry
Insect based powers
Avian mimicry
Reptile mimicry
Animal based abilities
Avian based abilities
You have encountered a being called humanoid selector who gives you the chance help it with a project it’s been working on. Said project is to evolve humanity into intelligent different mystical humanoid species based on the ideas of humans it finds( why does it do this maybe to help humanity stop an invasion from alien way more powerful than maybe because it wants to increase the speed at which humanity evolves so it can better reach its full potential or maybe it just thinks having a bunch mystical intelligent humanoid species instead just humans around would be more entertaining cosmic power granting beings are weird like that). Every species created by it has its own powers and weaknesses and human who comes up with it is transformed into its leader and are so given the ability to transform any human they touch which can be turned off and passed down genetically and given the job to have their species spread( through breeding with humans or the transformation touch or both)
Tell what kind of species you help it create: get 3 or 4 random powers for your species to wield and tell what is weaknesses are( have to be based of powers like cold manipulation equals weaknesses to heat what does it look like what would be your species culture how would it get along with humans and how would you spread your species Random page in category
You have encountered a being called humanoid selector who gives you the chance help it with a project it’s been working on. Said project is to evolve humanity into intelligent different mystical humanoid species based on the ideas of humans it finds( why does it do this maybe to help humanity stop an invasion from alien way more powerful than maybe because it wants to increase the speed at which humanity evolves so it can better reach its full potential or maybe it just thinks having a bunch mystical intelligent humanoid species instead just humans around would be more entertaining cosmic power granting beings are weird like that). Every species created by it has its own powers and weaknesses and human who comes up with it is transformed into its leader and are so given the ability to transform any human they touch which can be turned off and passed down genetically and given the job to have their species spread( through breeding with humans or the transformation touch or both)
Tell what kind of species you help it create: what are its powers( can’t be anything to op) what are its weaknesses what does it look like what would be your species culture how would it get along with humans and how would you spread your species
91 Votes in Poll
If you could create a new species, what would it be? You receive the power of ''Genesis'', allowing you to create a new species that can either be mundane or supernatural. As a gift, you'll be converted into your species' ''Alpha'' and be the ruler of your species, but be warned that if enough time passes with you lazing around, someone might become stronger than you and dethrone you as the alpha. However, you cannot make them completely immortal (There's at least one way to permanently kill them), travel between universes at will or be practically gods (No transcendent or omni powers). As for their residence, you can choose Earth, a parallel universe or even a fictional setting you know about.
What species will you bring to life? How will you rule them? Where will they live
To give you an example, my species would be the Therianthropes: Also known as ''Werebeasts'', they particularly brutal breed of shape-shifting demons, which can take the form of various predatory animals (Mainly mammals), albeit a humanoid beast version and only those with great power can access a larger version of their respective animal called ''Dire Beast''. Therianthropes are known for their supernatural strength, endurance, senses and reflexes, which are said to even surpass that of a vampire's and as with most demonic creatures, they have extreme healing abilities and few wounds remain an issue for long, except for decapitation and heart destruction. Therianthropes have two possible lifespans, those converted can live a bit more than 1000 years in the best cases and those born as a therianthrope are biologically immortal, meaning they will never die or fade from age (Both grant immunity to disease). Going back to lifespan, their aging has slower speed with each century being a decade of aging, so those at their 900s will look like elderly (Albeit still with strong bodies), on the other hand those born as a therianthrope will stop aging between their 300s and 400s.
Similar to vampires, they can convert humans into more of their kind through bites, but not all will successfully transform and instead die as the demonic essence of therianthropes poisons their bodies. Not being undead like vampires, is possible for them to have children with humans and thus introduce their demonic genes into the bloodline, which will not reactivate after seven generations and make that child be a ''natural therianthrope''. Although therianthropes can have children with each other, their reproductive capabilities remain dormant until a Blood Moon appears (About twice a year) and during the time before the sunrise, they are able to reproduce yet the success rate is still rather low. Thanks to their demonic blood, therianthropes have a sixth sense and with it they can see invisible beings like ghosts, spiris and other demons, as well imbue their demonic energy in their attacks to harm them like they were physical. Another testament of their resilience, is that therianthropes' thoughts cannot be read and is almost impossible to mid control them, needing someone extremely powerful to make them submit. The only known weakness to therianthropes is Silver, which negates their healing factor and if striking a vital organ it will kill them, regardless of how powerful they have become.
What do you think of them?
Create your own tribread that Is a mixture of 3 different species you can't use species that lay eggs to have children and also cannot use things that can't reproduce.
•You can decide their age their sexuality and anything else that you want to add into their character you can even describe their own bio.
•Skills are divided into 2 different categories racial skills and learn skills to clarify learn skills will be skills that are taught to you you may have the foundations but you have to learn them to understand it,So magic is useless unless the child is naturally born able to use spells so it will be a learned skill.
•An an example of a racial skill is being able to fly, super strength, super speed anything like that something that you're innately born with and you can't control it also cannot get rid of it.