This power has come up twice for me recently, once in relation to a poll by @Heartless Frost and again in a poll by @Keefdreewill, and I'm really not sure about this power. I think the main issue is how... ill-defined spirituality, souls, etc, are in fiction (as in, their nature - or existence at all - can vary dramatically between verses, while magic, science, etc, are often a lot more similar to each other between verses). It makes it hard to imagine what it would actually entail for a person to become 'spritually almighty'.
So that's what this post is about. What do you think gaining Absolute Spirituality would do to a normal person?
Also, how much of what is stated in the description ("They are the ultimate animating force of spiritual power and/or often the source of every other spirit or soul in existence...Incorporeal and Immaterial beings possessing spiritual qualities...formlessness, invisible, indivisible or oneness, infinite bliss, infinite power, pure infinite knowledge, infinite perception, and perfect manifestations of (countably) infinite other attributes...a spiritual ideal that all lower existing creatures seek to conform to.") is inherent in the power, and how much is just something many of the users happen to have in common?