Heartless Frost·8/24/2024in GeneralWhich "Archetype" From Previous Poll (See Comments) Abilities Would You Have?"The Badass" (Demon/Human Hybrid via Demon Soul)"The Thrill-Seeker" (White Magica Infinitum)"The Underdog" ("Sealed" Supernatural Genetics)"Battle Maniac" (Bizarre Attack Manipulation)Vote52 Votes in PollCambion PhysiologyWhite ArtsWeirdness ManipulationDemon SoulSupernatural GeneticsMagica InfinitumSealed FormAttack Manipulation
Andrade93·7/6/2023in Questions and AnswersSupernatural bodily aspects Is it superhuman or supernaturalIs supernatural bodily aspect and it’s variation like Back/chest Fluid- blood/saliva/sweats/tears Genetics-cellsOrgans- heart/eyes RearReproductive systemsSkin Are all these be considered superhuman or supernatural (Edited by Andrade93)Supernatural EyeSupernatural BloodSupernatural GeneticsSupernatural OrgansSupernatural Heart
Heartz13·12/15/2021in GeneralIf an individual born with super genes constantly believed their powers were magic, would it be so?Yes, DefinitelyYes, PossiblyI Agree to DisagreeUnsureVote161 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartz13)MagicSupernatural GeneticsBelief Ability Manifestation