61 Votes in Poll
61 Votes in Poll
You wake up, your eyes flutter open. You see a bright light and a masked man above you.
Your eyes flutter as your body grows cold, your limbs, numb. You can't move... all your sense fade but your hearing grows more acute. You hear a loud beeping nose in the background, it gets louder...louder....and louder. The beeping stops. Your eyes flutter shut.
You awake only to see your life flashing in sequence. Your eyes open only to see a mysterious man.
The man fast-forwards information into your consciences.
The man is a god and you; a soul being reincarnated into a new world.
Choose 3 abilities:
You are free to select any ability that I have the capacity to grant you. (Non-OP ability)
The ability you choose might be stronger the fewer abilities you select.
You may choose 1 Supernatural Art
You may choose Support Powers. As long as your total number of abilities stays under 3, you are free to select any number of them.
Any (Non-OP) race is allowed.
If you so desire, you can create a character.
76 Votes in Poll
85 Votes in Poll
102 Votes in Poll
I have this one character and I keep changing his power. First, it was shard/ psychic glass manipulation (the psychic glass can be used to "see" into opponents and find out his opponent's weaknesses.) However, he is not exactly a combat character. He was built for support. All of his teammates we're strictly fighters and it seemed like overkill that everyone was combat-based and had nothing else to offer. Next he had disc manipulation but I didn't really have an idea of how that would work. I'm a fan of characters with powers that make sense with their personality, goals, and needs. So here is his personality goals, needs etc.
Personality, backstory, goals
Tadaka is a young detective (15 to be exact) He was born with a superpower that he honed and wanted to use for detective work. he is very nice, a good worker, smart, and professional. He has this professional buisnessman act. On the outside he seems like a composed and great freelance supernatural concultant/detective, but he uses this act to hide his large amounts of insecurities. He is cowardly due to his lack of an offense ability, he fails at social situations when it's not work related which makes it hard for him to make friends with people who arent absolute workaholics. he worries a lot, has anxiety, and is a workaholic. He doesn't have that many goals relating to himself, he cares about his friends and their needs instead.
Other stuff about my power system
My world has a big psychic theme which means there is no such thing as divine energy, demonic energy, chi, etc. There is negative energy however, which spawns from a person's evil spirit induced fear. Tadaka can erase this negative energy, however that is part of his status as a psychic. I want Tadaka's power to be a healing/support ability. He also uses his powers for detective work.
Is there anything from Battlefield, Halo, or any other shooting games that could be considered support powers. I know in Call of Duty there are Killstreaks that you can call to support you or your team, but I just want to know is there anything similar to that in other games.