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This story takes place in Edo, Japan; Some time in the 1600s. This version of our world is not like ours though in regards of it being ordinary:
1. There are demon’s.
2. There is magic.
3. Historical figures and events are altered heavily.
I will be addressing each right now:
The Demon’s:
When you think of demons you would usually think of them as purely evil beings that only wish to torture and cause chaos to humans.
Though some of them do, it would be best to think of them as morally ambiguous. they aren’t just evil and they have complex motives.
The Magic:
The magic in this world comes from demons. It’s quite simple, demon’s have wants and desires, and humans have wants and desires. And so, when a human and a demon comes together, they form an alliance, a symbiotic relationship of sorts, in which the demon gets something from the human. And in turn, the human gets access to something a demon had, in many cases it is magic.
The Historical Accuracy of it all:
As you probably saw in the teaser, historical figures and events have taken place. The death of Sasaki Kojiro at the hands of Miyamoto Musashi for one. But as you may have also noticed, Kojiro has a daughter.
This information is important to know so you don’t have to worry about unnecessarily factual parts of history. It’s likely common sense, but just in case anyone needs to know, here you go.
Thats all the real info you’ll be getting today about this.
96 Votes in Poll
92 Votes in Poll