Cassandra Pentaghast Dragon Hunter
Avexis Elf Girl Control Own Dragon
Beatrix 3 III Your Majesty Old Lady
神獸金剛 / 기가트라이브 / ริวจิไฟว์
Cassandra Pentaghast Dragon Hunter
Avexis Elf Girl Control Own Dragon
Beatrix 3 III Your Majesty Old Lady
神獸金剛 / 기가트라이브 / ริวจิไฟว์
So, do you know Zenith?
If you know, then you know where this post might going
If you don't, it's basically a powerful sword that was created by combining 10 powerful swords (copper sword is powerful, fight me)
So, what we are going to do here now is combine 10 powerful swords that you know in fiction to create a 1 powerful sword!
Some rules:
Those 10 swords that you chose didn't have to be powerful, as long as you like it, it can be included
You can also use swords from mythologies
You can use this template below
Sword's Name:
Sword's Appearance (optional):
List of Swords that you used:
Sword's Backstory (optional):
(is this had been done before?)
@AzQth @Mortal Reminder616 @Heartless Frost @Lite Nightsight @Eliakub19 @ShayShay3698
A "Standard" Cosmological Entity, either an Archon, (A Servant created by a Demiurge), An Avatar of a Demiurge or One of the Abominable Pataphysical Entities (Conceived by a Yog-Sothoth) decides to craft a Mystical Sword out of a Neutron Star for the upcoming war.
The First Enchantment on the sword slightly alters the physics of the neutron matter, so it won’t collapse everything around it or be too heavy. What other enchantments do you want to put on the sword?
Name of Sword:
Appearance of Sword:
Creator of Sword:
Additional Enchantments on Sword:
Additional Information of Sword: (optional)
99 Votes in Poll