What would you do with temporal rewind: ALL APPLICATIONS AND NO LIMITATIONS!!! (Except for beyond birth)
What would you do with temporal rewind: ALL APPLICATIONS AND NO LIMITATIONS!!! (Except for beyond birth)
The Scarlet Proliferation was extinction incarnate, a brief period of ruin. An era where a universe fell, entire cosmic foundations crumbled, and remnants of order swallowed whole by chaos. Then forgotten after the Reboot, a desperate last resort, a complete retcon deleting the event, reverting life to its quiet, untouched state. Whole realities returned to their rhythm, unaware of the disaster that had nearly befall them. The Scarlet Proliferation faded, erased, its echoes silenced, its memory erased...
But no healed body can remain unharmed forever after.
Far, far away in a universe spared from the destruction, an antagonist who gambled everything by venturing into the deepest existing form of darkness to secure her survival after a humiliating defeat has resurfaced. Armed with knowledge that transcends the boundaries of her world, she is no longer the same villainess she once was. This time, she is prepared for the final confrontation—and she isn't going to be alone this time.
+ For those who were lucky enough to have participated in Scarlet Proliferation. Yes, this is in fact a sequel, somewhat, to the said roleplay but know that only one character from Scarlet Proliferation will carry over to "What Remains Forgotten", the rest are new characters.
Tag: @WhoswhoIsItYou? @Bentleybj @Awsomeboi19 @NineSix96 @Alphawolf2020 @Rulefiji @MagnoliaHemlock @Karmaharma289 and anyone else who's interested.
82 Votes in Poll
As you were asleep, time reversed, back to the point in time of 2 AM of of any day that you consider significant to yourself. Thankfully, you at least kept your memories. As you were feeling relieved of having your memories kept, you’ve also noticed that you gained a certain power not belonging to your favorite category.
What day significant to you did time end up reversing back to?
What is your favorite category?
What power do you now possess that isn’t in your favorite category nor do you believe should belong in your favorite category?
How happy would you be with this power?
Why exactly do you like this power?
Why or why not would you want to keep your power hidden?
And lastly, how would you take advantage of your power?
I apologize in advance if this sounds confusing idk how to properly explain it.
If a character with both of these powers went back in time, change something which then results in the butterfly effect and now the present is some dystopian apocalyptic nightmare and this character doesn't like this so then he tries to rewind time (btw I'm talking about rewinding everything except for his memories, Not the Life Is Strange temporal rewind where the character rewinds everything but stays in place. Clarifying this just in case its important). What would happen?
Would he rewind time only for this new timeline or would the time rewind also affect the time travel allowing him to basically undo the time travel in the first place therefore restoring the original timeline?
131 Votes in Poll
Time has been reversed back to 12 AM of the day that you turned seven years old(but you still have all the memories and intelligence of the you now) thanks to the actions of a supreme god
. However, the supreme being has changed a few details about your past(aka the days before your seventh birthday). One of those changes involves an abnormal birth to wear instead of being born like a regular human your body just appeared out of thin air, and what everyone else saw during your birth was actually an illusion. The other change involves you possessing two mainstream powers of your choosing that aren’t a part of the Omnipotence Derivatives category page nor the Umbrella Power category page.
What two mainstream powers were you sent back in time to your seventh birthday via time reversal with, why do these 2 powers suit your fancy, and how would you make use of them especially now that you get to relive a lot of your life?
Time to stress myself out trying to create something new by mixing blood and time magics
Inspired by @JanBenesh
If time was suddenly reversed back to any day of your choosing after the year 2010 and also got 4 mainstream superpowers(excluding omnipotence), what superpowers would you want to have & how would you make use of them?
Select one main stream power that doesn’t have the words potence, Transcendence, and deity in its main name. But whatever power you choose make sure that this power has comments under it. Then you select one comment and once you do time will reverse back to a year before that comment was made giving you the opportunity to relive a part of your life but as a supernatural being.
What power did you decide to go with?
What day did time reverse back to as a result of choosing the comment?
Now that you’re in the past again with your power, what will you do?
Age reversal associate with ressurection? Is it like using time rewind on target?
88 Votes in Poll
109 Votes in Poll
166 Votes in Poll
119 Votes in Poll