Tommy T 28·3/8/2024in GeneralWhat Kind Of Animal Sidekick/Pet Should This Trio of Thieves(6 Inch Tall Man & Tiny Robot) Have?Tiny MonkeyTiny Omni-Monkey(winged/flies, very good swimmer)LizardWinged LizardSmall Hopping/Spring SnakeTiny Raptor(dinosaur)Vote17 Votes in PollDinosaur PhysiologyPrimate PhysiologySnake PhysiologyAnimal CompanionshipLizard PhysiologyThievery/Enhanced
Heartless Frost·1/7/2023in GeneralHallow's Eve or Black Cat? Who's abilities/powers would you prefer?Classic Monster Mimicry (Mask Power)/Lie DetectionJinx Manipulation/Enhanced ThieveryVote75 Votes in PollList of Classic MonstersLie DetectionMask PowerJinx ManipulationThievery/Enhanced
Heartless Frost·11/28/2022in GeneralWhich "Anti-Villan" abilities & methods would you prefer? Hallow's Eve or Black Cat?Mask Power (Demonic Source)Jinx/Enhanced ThieveryVote104 Votes in Poll(Edited by Heartless Frost)JinxDemonic SourceMask PowerThievery/Enhanced